Surprise // Tom Holland

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You and Tom had been friends since middle school and to tell you that , you were inseparable . You both graduated high school together at Midtown , getting your first job together as waiter and waitress and all of that you , both went through together .

Until , Tom became an actor years ago and became the well-known superhero , Spiderman . He left when you were both 18 and missing two years with you .

You're turning 21 tomorrow and right now you're face timing Tom telling him how excited you are for tomorrow.

[ I can't wait for tomorrow ] You sigh dreamingly as you plopping down your bed .

[ Me too ... I cannot believe you're turning 21 tomorrow .. You're getting old ] He laughs .

[ Wow you're the first one who turn 21 .. I shod be calling you the old one here ] You teased him .

[ Hahaha ok ok you got me there ...] Same old Thomas , being the awkward person.

[ Are you ... coming home ?] You ask , it was getting old as you kept asking him this question for almost years but of course you already know the answer.

[ Y/N ... you see .. I -uh] You sigh turning your head to the side as you can feel your eyes dwelling.

[ Not coming home again? I get it Tom .] You let tears running down your cheeks.

[ Hey hey please don't cry ... I really am sorry I j-just ...] He sigh , couldn't help but feel guilty .

[ I just really miss you so much Tom , I miss hanging out with you .. it-it's been 3 years since you been here and I really miss you it hurts] Tom can't no longer hold his feelings as his eyes start to swell and tears suddenly flow down .

[ I know , I'm sorry .. I'll try and-] He was cut off by someone calling him .

[ Tom we need you .. NOW!]

You heard from the other side as Tom wipe his tears and turn his attention to you .

[ Y/N ...]

[ Just go ... They 'need' you ] With that you end the call , leaving Tom with a heavy heart.

" So did you do it?" Harrison came in the picture and pat his best friend's shoulder .

" Dude I hate myself for thinking that stupid idea ." He groan , gripping his hair.

" Well you did it for a surprise and for her but the question is ... Are you ready to come back home?"

" Yeah I was born ready and ready to apologise to Y/N for being a dick to her , mate ." Tom chuckle wiping his few of his 'tears' as he smile at his phone screen. Which consist of you and Tessa , snuggle at his bed .

" I'll be in my room , knock if you need something , mate ." Harrison exits Tom's hotel room and to his room .

" I'm going back home ." He whisper .


Your pov*

" Happy Birthday , honey ." I smile hugging my mom as she handed me her homemade cake .

" Thank you mom , you don't have to get up early for you to bake a cake for me." She shake her head as she led me to the living room where my dad sat at couch with 5 bags from different stores.

" Oh my gosh ." My hands flew to my mouth as a suprise-- SHOCK as I see my dad smiling widely .

" Happy birthday my little girl." He went and gave me a hug .

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now