Cute // Peter Parker

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"Oh my .... what happened?" You frankly look around the laboratory , seeing thick smoke and two shadows not far away from you. You swat your hand back and forth to rid the smoke entering your nose and eyes.

"Y-Y/N?" You walk towards him as the smoke finally cleared (with the help of J.A.R.V.I.S) and check what had cause this small chaotic science experiment.

"What ... Oh my." Your eyes gaze to his table. Your eyes widen then look back at your dad.

"I'm ... sorry dear. I mix too much formula for anti-aging--"

"Anti-aging? Dad? what ... why ... who? and Peter? Dad.."  You pulled him aside seeing Peter distracted to a small plush Hulk pillow and bite it.

"Dad? Anti-aging formula? For who? for what? and why?" You ask. Your dad sigh , feeling guilty and disappointed.

"I just ... I just don't want to look old ok? and everyone around me .. doesn't look old with their age... Cap is hundred years old and still look like 30 year old man .. Tony doesn't look like he will ever age .. Scott , he's 50 god damn years old and has a daughter but still look like himself  from 1995 and still doesn't age up."

"Dad ..."

"Honey , I don't want them to see me as a Senior Citizen walking around Manhattan with many science experiment ... they'll probably call me a mad scientist."

"Oh dad..."

"I just want to look a little young while you grow up honey. I just want to feel young again."

"Daddy ... You don't have to create an anti-aging formula to look ... young. It's natural. People who uses anti-aging creams or whatever , are insecure who can't accept the fact that they will have wrinkles." He looks down with a sad look.

"But dad , we got to love ourselves and embrace our flaws. We have to pass all the insecurities to see the better and brighter sides."

"You don't need those , I just want a dad who is naturally beautiful and smart , you have 7 PhD's. Dad , you are you. Love your own skin and nature. I have cellulite on my butt but that didn't stop me from wearing bikinis." He look at you weird but their is a small smile on his face.

"I'm blessed to have you as my daughter. And thank you for the encouragement." You smiled at your father , pulling him in a bear hug.

"I love you dad .. always remember that."

"I love you more my dear." You pulled away. Your attention went back to Peter who was fast asleep , hugging the plush Hulk pillow with little drool.
Your heart melted seeing so Peter all cuddly and cute , you walk towards him and pick him up slowly and gently.

"I'll take him to my room and please get some sleep dad." You said before turning around , heading out of the laboratory and to your room.

"Hi baby." You cooed placing Peter down on your bed with pillows surrounding him. It was a mother thing , for safety if ever they move around.

Peter grab on to your pinky as he gazed to your eyes. You fell in love even more. He giggles when you made funny faces and running your fingers to his torso.

"You are so cute." You giggle , you lay down beside Peter as he slowly climbs out of the fence of pillows to your chest. He calmly and gently settled down on your chest , sucking his thumb.

"What did he do to you Peter?" You chuckle , playing with his brown curly hair. He unexpectedly purred which made you laugh.

"Whatever dad did to you , you're so cute."

Later you fell asleep.


"Wakey wakey ..." You grumble on your sleep , turning side ways to get more sleep when you instantly jolted on your bed , feeling the absence of Peter on your chest.

"Peter?!" You look around the room , then down your bed and then pat your bed.

"Yes sweetie?" You yelp when Peter appeared infornt of you , upside down. With your furious surprise , you accidentally slap him across the face.

"Oh my gosh , Peter!" Your hands flew to your mouth , feeling guilty. He fell on to your lap , groaning in pain.

"Damn baby , that hurts." He sat up , seeing his right cheek had bright red hand print. "And please tone it down , the baby is sleeping."

"Peter , I am so sorry."

"It's ok , I deserve it though." You placed your hand on his cheek but flinch when it contact.

"Why are you on the ceiling?" You ask feeling angry all of sudden.

"Well I just came home from a mission and I didn't see you two so I knew you two are asleep  and when I arrive , Peter is on the ceiling waiting for my arrival."

You look up the ceiling seeing Peter fast asleep in a hammock made by webs.

"You two are  really cute , I can't help it but my heart melted seeing you two so close." You smile , pecking his lips.

"Of course I love our little Peter."

"And I love you ... Mrs. Parker."

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now