Oh Gosh // Peter Parker

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"Come on Peter , you don't have much time!" He came rushing down the staircase with his school bag only consisting few notebook and fresh underwear and shirt and his suit.

"Alright I'm here." He grabs Aunt May's hand and pulled her with his famous bear hugs.

"Be careful out there ... do you have your suit with you?"

"I always have it Aunt May ... I'll see you tomorrow." He hug her one more time before going outside their apartment and to the train station down the corner.


Peter , Ned and the rest of the Midtown students walk around the museum , awestruck about a certain hanging figurines or displayed costumes use by their ancestors.

"And here's the 15-AC 'Kindred Spirit' bracelet." All of them crowded the bracelet but to Peter's luck he was stuck in the back. Jumping once in a while , or leaning with the other student but push him back due to his heavy weight.

"It was used by a woman , who was the first inventer during that time and who was called the 'Mujer Loca' . People thought what she invented was out of their league and out of the mind." The tourist said. Flash snickered.

"So that's why she was called Loco." He twirled his forefinger around his ear. Some student softly laughs , while Ned and Peter glance at each other.

"Flash." The teacher warned. He shrugged.

"As I was saying , after few years of being used , she was threw in a cave where people lock up their beloved ones."

"Wait so you're saying ... she was placed inside a huge coffin pit?" Liz ask shocking radiating through her. Even fear can be sense.

"Correct but she has the bracelet along with her , keeping her company throughout her few years inside of a dark , smelly cave." And the story ends.

Peter wasn't convince about her living through her life living inside a cave without water and food and especially small air sipping through it.

He was thinking hard that leaves him irritated that he can't seem to get how she did that until he had enough and ask the tourist. After few questions here and there , Peter raised his hand.

"Yes Parker?" The tourist smiled at him.

"How did she live inside the cave for years? and what did the bracelet did?" The tourist felt extremely calm and glad.

"A good question Mr. Parker. But I won't be able to answer that question." Peter was left disappointed but he will get the answer eventually.

5 hours later...

"That's it , we call it a day everyone!" Everybody cheered going back to the school bus , while on Peter debates whether to go back inside the museum or just come back another time.

"Peter come on!" Mj shouted by the window. He turn his head towards the bus then back to the museum.

"I'll just come back tomorrow." He mumble before sprinting towards the moving school bus.

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now