Baby // Tom Holland

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•Your pov...

Tom and I were heading back to our shared apartment . Waiting for him at the bus stop since he decided to use the bus since  his driver was away for awhile.

We were almost at the front door step of our apartment  when I suddenly stop when I heard a soft crying feet away from where I'm standing.

" Tom , did you hear?" I turned to him seeing him looking back at me. He nodded his head . " Yeah ... yeah I did."

The more we come closer to the sound of crying , the more the crying gets louder. We stop to a dark alley which has a big green dirty dumpster and few trash bins on it. But what caught my attention is the pile of boxes.

" There." I said softly , walking towards the boxes and started to move them one by one  away from the bottom one.

Once I reach the last box , what a surprise to see is a beautiful bundle of joy , wrapped around a pink fluffy blanket. Her face red from all the crying and sweat from the heat of the AC's of the neighbors.

" Darling what happened-- Oh my." I picked up the baby and craddle her in my arms , removing the pin that put the blankets together.

" She's so beautiful ." Tom admired her and it made my heart swell. I gave Tom to her and went to inspect if there's something left inside the box.

" Nothing , there's nothing." I stood up and drag both of them out of the alley. I open the front door step , letting the two in first before I do.

Tom walks toward the couch and set down the baby beside him. I grab few pillows from the other couches and place them beside the baby.

" Who would do such a thing for you baby girl?" He cooed gently stroking her smooth skin. The baby's eyes open and what both shock us is her eyes are beautiful . One eye is blue and the other is green.

" W-Woah " I look at her with a ridiculous smile on my face as I kneeled down beside her and Tom . She looks around before her eyes landed on us and a smile erupted on her face.

She started giggling and her gloved hands up on the air. I let out a breathy  laugh and grab her hands and remove her gloves. When I remove the gloves , she didn't hesitate to grab my pinky , my heart pounded and never felt so happy.

" T-Tom." I look up to him and he has a big smile and admiration in his eyes. I look down at the baby and saw her fast asleep while her hands still wrapped around my pinky.

" We're gonna be great parents , Y/N." He wrap his arms around my shoulder , placing his head on top of mine.

" You're gonna be a great mom to Marie Chin." I chuckle looking at him .

" And you're gonna be an awesome dad , Marie Chin?" He nodded feel proud .

" Marie Chin Holland , that's you baby girl." We both glance to our now baby and smile.

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now