Bath Tub and Chill // Tom Holland

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Tom coming  home from set and looks more tired than this past few days .

He laid down on the sofa , pulling you in his arms and snuggle his head on the crook of your neck and mumbling ,

" I just need a hug from you ." He knows how much your cuddles makes him feel like home and makes him forget all of the stress put on his shoulders.

" Do you want me to run you a bath?" You  quietly ask . He hum in response , moving his body so you could set up the bath tub .

You ran upstairs to your bedroom and went inside the bathroom. You plug the sink so you could fill in the water while you search for the bath bomb  and scented candles .

You lit up the last candle before throwing the bath bomb on the bath tub . You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear .

You walk down the stairs , seeing Tom on the couch with Tessa on his side . Tessa lick his face before running towards the kitchen .

" Hey love , it's ready ." He look up from the couch and nodded . He wrap his arms around your shoulder before retreating back to the bathroom .

You help him take of his clothes and he was left in his boxers. You let him do the last clothing before you put everything on the laundry basket .

You heard Tom sigh in relief , his body finally relaxed to the feeling of the warmth water flowing to his body and the scented candles made it more relaxing making feel like he is in paradise.

" Do you need anything , love ?" You question , kneeling down beside the tub. He looks at you with a small smile .

" Yeah ."

" Can you join me  , it feels lonely here." He sheepishly smile and looking at you innocently . You chuckle rolling your eyes at him before stripping your clothes off of your body .

You stood up and dip your leg on the tub and the other before sinking in and facing the man with a big smile on his face .

" Cuddles?" You  once again chuckle before laying your head on his chest and his arms wrapping on your small figure.

" I love you , darling ." He whisper in your ear.

" I love you more ."


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