Celebrity Crush // Tom Holland

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* Your pov*

" Hi Y/N .. It's nice to have you here ." The nice interviewer said .

" Well it's good to be here though ." I smile at her .

" Oh before we start , I want to say congratulations on the successful project and I hope you got more projects on the upcoming future." She shake her head to arrange her wavy hair .

" Oh thank you ."

" Ok let's start with the questions shall we?" She was handed a card and turn back her attention to me.

" In the movie that you have already film ... who was your favorite and why?"

" Well honestly my favorite there is Jemma (make up movie and names) ..."

" Why Jemma then?"

" Out of all the characters , she's beautiful gal and an understanding person and for the fact even though she was sick during our set ... she still manage to go on with the acting ."

" Wow so that means that ... even though she is all weak and tired she .. still.. "

" Yeah she still goes to set because she has to finish it before she took a 2 weeks break."

" Shout out to Jemma ... you're hella a strong woman ." I said staring at the camera .

Questions were thrown at me and I answer them completely honest and some of them have to be kept in me so I won't get too exposed on the social media .

" Ok final question ... " She said smiling as she read the question on the card.

" Whoo is this Miss Universe because I'm nervous on answering that question ." I laugh and so as the interviewer .

" Who is your celebrity crush ?" She smirks.

I look at the ceiling with a huge dorky smile on my face and mumbling an 'oh my god' then look back at the interviewer.

" Uhm ... Oh my gosh .. Well it's .. Tom Holland ." By just saying his name , I smile went up to my face causing me to bow my head to keep it hidden even though the camera man and the interviewer had already saw it .

" Oh my gosh ... you're blushing ." She exclaimed .

I cup my cheeks , " Why?" I fake cry as the crews at the back we're laughing at my situation .

" This is embarrassing ." I whisper . The interviewer giggle .

" Ok so Tom Holland .... Have you guys ever like ... met?" She ask.

" Well we did met one time ... " I sit properly putting my hands together,  then continue , " I was at the set of the and Avengers : Infinity War since.. Scarlett wants me to meet all of the cast and I was like ... ' What no way?' and she was like ' I know you have a massive crush on Chris Hemsworth' "

" I told her that ' What a great excuse you have to drag me in your set ' and yeah I met all of them and Tom .. is hella a cute and sweet lad ."

" Aww ... If Tom is watching right now , what would you like to say?" I giggle.

" Hi Tom if you're watching this right now, 
Let's hang out again sometime. "

" Hahaha ok that's it for today's interview , thank you so much for coming here Y/N ." She extend her hand and I grab it and shake it gently .


(3rd's pov)

Later that night , you've receive a DM from him telling you to meet him at the Starbucks at 5 pm. You smile and started to get ready for your date .


𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now