Did you? // Tom Holland

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" Hey Harry , where is Tessa's leash ?" I ran upstairs as I look for Tessa's leash on my bed and on my drawers .

I heard cling sounds of metal outside my bedroom . I turn around seeing Tessa sitting outside my room with her leash in her mouth .

" Tessa ." I whine . I grab the leash out of her mouth and attach it to her collar.

" Harry I found Tessa's leash ... See you later ." I put on my shoes and my coat before I exit my house with an excited Tessa ahead .


" Fetch !" I threw the tennis ball at the field as Tessa ran towards it with her tongue out .

I sat at the bench waiting for Tessa to come back but after 5 minutes , a golden retriever with a big stick came up to me tilting it's head  and dropping the stick on my feet .

" Hey bud , what's your name ?" I bend down and glance at the collar , 'Henry'.

"Well Henry -- Woah ." Henry bit into the edge of my coat started to tug me . I stumble on the pavement as he kept tugging .

" Henry? " Henry release his grip from my coat and ran towards the girl who was relieve to see her pet golden retriever.

She bent down petting his head and kissing the top of his head . I smile at the moment but soon fade away when Tessa haven't come back . I walk up to the girl , the girl stood up smiling at me ...

The smile though ,

" Hey have you seen a pitbull ... a dark gray one ?" She nodded .

" Yes ... is that the dog you're telling me ?" She chuckle pointing past me. I turn around seeing Tessa ran up to me .

" Tessa!" I bend down on one knee , embracing Tessa on my chest. " I was worried about you love. " She bark softly and snuggle at my chest even more .

" She tug me a while ago and went , i guess , look for you ." I stood up properly and turn around once again and gave her a smile.

" Really? I'm sorry though , she really likes meeting new people ... especially cute ones." I said mumbling the last part but I guess I was horrible at doing that because she blush and giggle .

" I - I'm Y/N." She extend her hand and I grasp it gently .

" The names Tom , love ." I stared at her Y/E/C and get lost into them . It's beautiful . And I guess , she did too as we both look into each others eyes with a big grin on our faces.

Tessa and Henry's bark brought us back to present as I quickly let go of her hand that I still hold onto for a minute .

We stood there in silence , an AWKWARD  silence but was interrupted by a car honking nearby.

" Honey , let's go." A man , that no doubt is his father . Obviously Tom .

" Uhm I - I have to go .. I'll see you next time?" She smiled before putting the leash on Henry. I nodded .

" Well same place , same time?"

" Of course , bye Y/N." I bid my goodbye as she started jogging towards her father's car. When she got inside the car , she rolled down the window and waved 'goodbye' to me , Henry poking his head out of the window and sticking his tongue out.

" Bye!" She called out before his father drove off. I look down at Tessa , with her tongue out and an innocent look on her face.

" Don't give me that look , did you do this on purpose?" She bark softly before running away from me.

I was standing there ,  at the middle of the park , with my jaw drop on the floor and my mind going crazy about how my dog , Tessa , set me up with a girl at the park.

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now