Sneezes // Harrison Osterfield

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•Imagine... (Cute) (Let's just say you're allergic to it ok? Ok)

Harrison walking back home with a special surprise in his hands to his lovely girlfriend , who is  at their shared apartment.

" I hope she would love this one." Harrison mumble , looking down at the gifts he has in his hands and with a big smile on his face .He finally reached their shared apartment and climb the small stairs on its way before unlocking the door .

Y/N , Harrison's beautiful girlfriend , was cleaning their dog , Y/D/N . She didn't hear the unlocking of the door downstairs  as she was busy cleaning her/him up.

" Y/D/N!" She yelp giggling at the same time when she/he jump at her lap and licked her face . She gently push her away before grabbing the towel near her both and wrap her around it .

" Y/N? I'm home." He called through out the whole apartment . Y/D/N heard his voice , wiggling out of her arms and running out of the room . She smile before changing into new clothes since her last one are wet . She pick up Harrison's hoodie , which reach down to her thighs.

" Hey there ." She turn her head , seeing Harrison with a smile , the smile that she always adore the smile that always reach  his eyes. It was contagious .

" Hey love ." He walk towards her direction and pulling her into his arms. He relaxes when her body was against his.

" How's your day?" Y/N ask , gazing her y/e/c eyes to his lover who gaze with the same admiration in his eyes.

" Well Tom couldn't catch the bus so I insist on doing instead ." She chuckle knowing that Tom's legs aren't the long enough but Harrison's are . If she was being honest , Harrison is taller than Tom so that's why he can run so fast.

" Hmm you're tired , come on let's go downstairs so I could make you some food." She grab Harrison's arm and drag him downstairs to the living room .

Y/N stop on her tracks and was shock her at the gifts on top of the coffee table . She let go her grip on his arm before walking towards the table , Harrison who was smiling and high fiving himself mentally.

" W-Woah." She pick up the bouquet of flowers that she's allergic to it. Some pollen unchaste and flew right in her nose , her nose tickle and let out a small sneeze.

Her eyes widen in realization that she haven't told Harrison about her allergy to flowers like the one he bought .

" Oh love , this is sweet but ..." She pull her arm right up to her nose and let out another sneeze.

" I'm allergic to it." She smile awkwardly , feeling the itchiness and the cold . Harrison hurriedly took the flowers away from her and place it by the door before rushing towards her .

" I am so sorry darling .. I-I didn't know ." He apologise , pulling you towards the kitchen where he look through the cabinets for the medicine.

" No no it's ok , I didn't told you about it." She sat at one the stool .

" I'm still am sorry." He brought the medicine to her , after she took it she walk towards him and hug him by the waist.

" Love its alright , I forgotten all about it." She mumbles as she look up to his sorry eyes. She giggle grabbing his collar and pulling him down to her face.

" I'm fine now .. at least you know I'm that allergic to it and you won't repeat it the next time , right?" He sigh , closing his eyes before nodding slowly. Her face lits up placing a soft tender kiss on his lips .

This cause to open Harrison's eyes . His face turns bright red and look away from her gaze. She laugh , kissing him again and this time a little longer .

Their lips move in sync and it fits perfectly . His arms wrap around her petite waist and while her arms were wrap around her neck . He pulled away , still in each others arms ,  looking into her gorgeous breath taking eyes.

" By the way love , your sneeze is adorable." Her face turns bright red , hiding her red face on the crook of his neck .

" Oh stop ." She mumbles , hugging him tighter causing him to laugh .

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now