Quarantine Time!

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(warning: english to filipino switch)

○○•Your pov•○○

"Tom, baby are you alright?" I stand by the doorway of our bedroom, worried about Tom who hadn't step out of the room for 7 days except when he eats or take a bath.

"Hmm." He hummed in response but still remain in his previous sleeping position.

"Mijo, are you okay? Do you feel sick?" My mom came out of her room after hearing my worried tone.

Tom shook his head no.Mom glance at the weak figure then to my worried face.

"I think he needs to take a shower, to cool down his temperature." Mom whisper before going down the stairs to prepare him food.I inhale deeply before entering the room. I sat down the bedand oulled the covers down to his side.

"Tommy, come on—get up. Go relax in the tub to cool down your temperature." He groan but get up as do so. He went to the bathroom and turned on the tap.

I grab his towel and underwear and entered the bathroom. I place down the towel and underwear by the sink while I grab the bath bomb and place on the tub.

"Brr— IT'S COLD Y/N!" I laugh at his face, forgot again to turn the hot tap water but that is good since he needs cold water to cool down.

"Baby, you've been here in the Philippines for 2 months. Cold water can help you." I sat down on the floor as he chill in the tub. He close his eyes before sinking juat below his chin.

It was silent, which is weird, Tom never  become this silent unless..

"Tom? Are you thinking that you have the disease?" Tom open his eyes and galnce at me. He look back down before sitting up, the water by now his on his stomach.

"I-I don't know baby. I'm worried that I have it because I look it up on the internet about the symptops and I have all of them and I'm starting to think that I'm leaving many viruses inside your mom's house without even knowing!" He exclaimed, looking down at his hands.

"And instead of being safe, you guys are in danger because of me."

"Hey baby, you just saw the symptoms of it but you don't know if you REALLY got the disease."

"And besides, I think you are not used to this weather."

"I hope is just the weather." I smile a little before pouring him cold water.

"Holy- .. Y/N!"

○2 weeks later..○

"Mijo, do you feel okay now?" Mom ask as he laid down by the couch and hugging my favorite pillow.

"Yes mama, Y/N just poured me a lot of cold water everytime I take a bath." He glance at me with a fierce look before looking at my mom with a loving, innocent smile.

"That's good, well I bake you guys cookies since Marco has been asking for it." Marco suddenly came running in dirty with our dog Tessa and Keon.

"Mama! Tinulak ako ni Tessa!" Marco cried pointing at Tessa, who look at us with her innocent smile.

"Oh mijo, tara at papaliguan na kita. Tessa, Keon sumama kayo." Mom do have powers in commanding though.

Marco took Mom's hand and dragged her to the bathroom with the two dogs running after them.

I sat down beside Tom and stealing my pillow from his grip. He look at me with horrific look, I laughed at his reaction before cuddling it closer to me.

"I was hugging that." He said with his arms cross and pouty face.

"It's mine." I answered sassily.

He gasped-offended about what I said but I just burst in laughter. Later on he grab my waist and cuddle close to me, his muscular arms around my shoulders and legs around my waist.

"This is mine." He said, cuddling closer and relaxing after 14 days of intense health control.


𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now