New girl, new hero

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(Y/n) POV

"No offense new girl, but you goofed up out there, your awkwardness were stinking up the place-." Before Howard could finish his sentence, Jake jammed his elbow into Howards side and Randy covered his mouth.

'Howard don't say that!" I hear Randy whisper harshly to him. I just sulk besides Jake while having major flashbacks about all my failures in life. After class ended Randy introduced me to Jake Long and Howard Weinerman. They were interesting people the first thing I noticed about Jake is his cool attitude and flair. The first thing I noticed about Howard was how painfully blunt he was.

"Hey guys wait up!" I discovered a voice call out behind us. I turn around to witness a boy with blue eyes and black hair running towards us. Jake, Howard, and Randy stopped and turned around too.

"You finally made it what took you so long?" Randy asked after the boy caught up to us. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but glanced at me and paused.

"Er, um, I had to assist my dad with something before I left." He said. I didn't buy it and it looked like the others didn't either. The boy noticed and changed the subject.

"So are you the famous (Y/n) I heard so much about. My name is Danny Fenton. Sorry I couldn't make it on time to escort you I'm guessing Randy handled it." He said to me while walking closer to my direction.

"Yup, that's me and Randy did a wonderful job it was fun hanging out with him." I said while looking over at Randy. He stood there with his hand covering his face and his head facing the opposite direction of me. Jake turned his head towards him and raise an eyebrow while Howard poked him.

"Yo look at your face why is it red like Tha-" Howard began, but was cut off by Randy.

"Shut the heck up Howard!" He harshly whispers towards him. I laughed a little at how much of a cute dork Randy was. I looked back up at Danny and when I looked into his eyes, it took my breath away. His blue eyes looked straight at my (e/c) ones and I never acknowledged how close we were.

"Your eyes... are really pretty." I mumbled out to myself. Danny seemed to have heard me mumble because he responded.

"Yours is too." He mumbles back. I started to have this funny feeling and I wanted it to end. I don't recall experiencing this feeling before. I took a step away from Danny to keep some distance. He noticed and looked away while clearing his throat awkwardly.
"Anyways, let's get to our next class." Jake says before a terrifying screech was heard from the distance. We all looked to see where it came from. Before we knew it, people began screaming and running towards our direction in fear.

"Run!" Howard yelled while running away from the crowd. We soon followed Howard in fear of getting pushed around or stomped on by the hysterical crowd trying to run from danger.

"Considering our reputation of being losers in this school you'd think they'd be running away from us not towards us." Danny joked.

"Hey, don't say that in front of (Y/n)." Randy whines.

"Speak for yourselves losers." Jake says while smiling.

"Oh yeah!" Says the one who hangs out with losers!" Howard argues back. I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but crack a grin.

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