Mystery hero

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Jake POV

"What the hell was that?" I asked the girl in front of me curiously.
The mysterious girl in front of me turned around towards us after hearing my voice. She back flipped away from us and made a pose before bursting into flower petals. My mouth fell open at the sight as the flower petals flew past us.

"Yo What was that all about." I said, turning back to Danny and Randy. They just shrugged their shoulders, but before I could question them further the ball from inside of school ranged. Usually when we're done fighting there is a bell being rung by somebody. The second time we hear it, we had ten minutes to get to class if there isn't any major damages happening in the school. I sighed heavily and turned to the guys and tilted my head towards the direction of our school.

"Come on guys you know the rules if the school is fine, we have to continue our classes." I huffed out. I can hear the two groan behind me before we went our separate ways to transform back. I flew off behind the school near the dumpster. I discreetly looked around to see if anyone was around before transforming back into my regular self. I ran back around to the front part of the school and got inside. Wait... where's (Y/n) I know Howard is still in the boys restroom, but (Y/n) didn't make it in there. I ran back to the bathroom that Howard should still be in. I spotted the restroom and opened the door. Randy and Howard stood there patiently talking to each other. Randy leaned against a stall with his hands in his pockets while Howard had his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow. It seems like Randy beat me here.

"So what you're telling me is that some random hot chick showed up and defeated the monster... and I missed it!" Howard hissed out the last part of the sentence loudly and threw his hands up in the air. I rolled my eyes and walked towards them.

"Keep your voice down Howard! No one really saw her except for me, Jake, and Danny. So keep it a secret okay!" He harshly whispered back.

"He's right big guy no one knows she exists except for us. The students all ran seeing the sight of that beast. Usually they stay to watch the fight but I guess the big bad wolf scared them all away." I added while resting my hand on Howards shoulder. Turns out Howard knew Randy was the Ninja way before Danny and I came to this school. Shortly after we showed off our super hero identities. Howard dramatically sighed and agreed to keep his mouth shut as usual. I heard the door creak open and we all turned our head towards the door to see Danny peeking his head in. After he saw us he walked inside and leaned against the door.

"So you guys have any idea on what's going on?" He asked sighing heavily afterwards.

"We're in a honkin wonked up situation and have no idea that's what." Randy said dramatically and started to slouch.

"Yo chill dog you have nomicon with you, right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Everybody else's face lit up in the room at the mention of the book as if they've forgotten about it. I mentally facepalmed, how can Randy forget he asked that damn thing everything! He quickly pulled out his nomicon from his backpack and it started to glow a little in response.

"Alright nomicon give me your magical wisdom!" He shouted excitedly before opening the book. Light from the book shined on his face suddenly his eyes rolled back and he violently fell down, tripping on his feet and slid across the floor. The most ungraceful thing about this was the sound that came out of his mouth right when he got 'slumped' by nomicon. I winced while looking at the painful fall.

"How does he not die from that?" Danny asked while staring at his limp body. Howard just looked up and shrugged his shoulders. We stood there and waited a bit and then I had the sudden urge to mark his face. I smirked and searched somewhere in my pocket for a marker or a pen.

"Don't even think about it bro every time I try he wakes up somehow. It's like the nomicon warns him or something." He said sourly.

"Wait, where's (Y/n)!" Danny suddenly called out in panic. Looking at him I can see the realization in his eyes. Before any one of us can answer Randy woke up with a snort and drool running down his chin. He shook his head violently and moaned before looking up at Howard.

"She's on our side. I think nomicon meet her before or something." He said while looking back down and staring at the book while it still emitted that soft glow. Randy went over to the book and picked it up.

"Let's go find (Y/n) and then we can deal with this over at Randy's house." Howard said. Randy got back on his feet and we all nodded in agreement. Danny was the first to open the bathroom door since he was the one leaning against it. Right when we exited the bathroom, we saw (Y/n) coming out of the girls restroom right across from us. She smiled at us and I had a sense of relief. We both stared at each other and I smiled back at her.

"You guys know that I'm a girl right?" She said jokingly. "Right, sorry about that." I said while chuckling. Right after that the bell rung again we all simultaneously groaned in annoyance.

"Don't tell me we still have to continue class." She groaned out.

"Let's just pretend we got hurt and skip." Randy suggested.

"We already did that dude like six times already. Am I the only responsible one here?" Danny commented.

"Says the dude who was late for picking up (Y/n)." I snorted out and smirked at him. He rolled his eyes at me in return and stuck out his tongue while flipping me off making sure (Y/n) didn't see him giving me the bird. I scoffed and flicked him off too, pfft what a loser.

"Alright, alright let's just get back to class guys." Howard said while walking off to our next class. (Y/n) walked closer towards the group when more people started to fill the hallway again. I instinctively grabbed her hand when massive groups of people started to separate the group. It happens almost every time this sort of thing happens. I shoved my other hand, in my pocket and started to walk towards our next class.

"Thanks for that I totally would've gotten lost." (Y/n) said beside me. I looked up at her and she didn't seem to mind me holding her hand. I on the other hand regretted it terribly. It's not like I normally hold girl's hands like this. Her hand was so soft and warm, I yearned to rub my thumb against the palm or the back of her hand. Hoping she wouldn't notice I held onto her hand a little tighter before responding to her.

"No problem can't have you lost plus it's not your fault you had to rely on two dweebs on guiding you around this school." I replied referring to Randy and Danny.

"Hey now don't be too harsh on them, they were great company and Randy was a nice person to escort me." She chuckled out. I smiled hearing laugh, but I was too distracted to give a witty comeback.

Just who the hell was that hero earlier?
How did she know how to defeat the beast?

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