revealed secret

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_Norrisville High Hallways_
~(Y/n) POV~
*Monday 12:08 PM*

I undid my transformation and headed towards the school and got my backpack and shoved the mask in there. I opened it's front doors and was welcomed with a perfectly intact hallway. It seems like only the cafeteria was destroyed for now. I was wondering around in my civilian form for anyone that might've been trapped or left behind. So far we seem to be in the clear.

'What are you gonna do with the ninja. Are you gonna tell him?

"If Nomi approves I'd prefer to tell him everything."

'Good it'd be nice to have a allie for once.'

"Ya talk about it."

"Talk about what?"

I jumped a little at the unexpected voice that sounded very familiar. I turned around to see none other than The Phantom himself. He seemed to appear out of nowhere. Albeit he probably went through a wall or something.

"(Y-y/n)?" The Phantom stuttered out. I rose an eyebrow and crossed my arms. How'd he know my name this is our first encounter and I'm still kinda new?

"What are you doing here? You should've evacuated with the rest." He said with concern and floated closer towards me. I had to easily think up a lie cause I definitely wasn't going to tell the truth and possibly expose myself.

"Oh I'm just looking for my friends. Have you seen Howard, Randy, Jake and or Danny around here?" I asked while looking around.

"Sorry but I didn't see them they most likely evacuated but if I see them I'll let them know you were looking for them. Oh and by the way who were you talking to?" He asked.

'Alright he askin way too many questions we might have to knock him out'

I chuckled a little in my head at her response to the situation.

"Oh no one I tend to talk to myself. I hope I didn't freak you out." I replied.

"Oh no no no no you didn't do anything wrong I was just wondering!" He kindly reassured me while frantically waving his hands.

"Aye Dan- I mean (Y/n)! There you are!" I heard a very familiar voice say behind me. I turned around to see Howard in all of his glory. I was instantly relieved since he seemed completely fine. Completely forgetting about The Phantom I ran towards Howard.

"How's it goin buddy did you finish your meal?" I chuckled a little while asking.

"Uh duh I wasn't gonna let another beast ruin my meal time." He replied. As soon as he said that my stomach growled. I held it and looked the other way in embarrassment. Both The Phantom and Howard looked at me knowing who it came from.

"Wanna go out and eat? I could really get me another round after all this stress and chaos." Howard offered while rubbing his stomach.

I heard The Phantom scoff beside me and saw him roll his eyes.

"Howard you were just probably eating in the bathroom peacefully in this entire event I doubt you had any stress." Danny replied looking smug while folding his arms. I quirked an eyebrow and looked at The Phantom. How did he know that and why is he so familiar with Howard? Are they friends? Before any of those questions were asked and answered Howard was patting his pockets for something. His eyes widened and he let out a whine.

"Aw c'mon! I forgot something in our previous class." Howard said while pulling out his phone.

"I don't think we shared our numbers yet let's text so we can meet up. I really need some grub right now. Hopefully the other guys don't have any plans." Howard said while going to his contacts. I instantly pulled out my phone and we both shared numbers. Howard took a peek of my contacts list to only see less than a dozen contacts.

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