Questionable past

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___Randy's house__
~Randy's POV~
*Saturday 3:45*

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." I murmured while taking the book out of my backpack and throwing the backpack in a corner. My three friends followed behind me and threw their backpacks down as well. We all sat down on the floor surrounding my coffee table. It's been a couple of days since the incident with the new hero and more and more wild beasts keep popping up only to be defeated by that mysterious hero. There were definitely more questions than answers considering we have no answers to begin with. Each time we try to make contact with her with our hero personas she reacts bitterly before disappearing. Since we're definitely not going to get answers from her we decided to see what Nomicon knows. He has to know something he has eight hundred years of Ninja ancient knowledge. We finally got a day to meet up on which is today considering it's a Saturday. I set Nomicon down on the table hoping to get some kind of response from it. If not I can always just open it.

"Alright, so what the hell does Nomicon mean they know each other?" Jake said while raising his eyebrow in question.

"If Nomicon knows her then he'll be able to give us her identity!" Howard excitingly claimed while doing a fist pump to the air.

"That sounds too easy for me and even so, if she knew Nomicon why didn't she recognize the Ninja suit on Randy?" Danny reasoned. Howard groaned in response and lay back on his elbows in defeat.
"As much as I hate to admit this... you're right ghost boy." He dramatically sighed and tilted his head back. Danny smirked at Howard and turned his head towards me afterwards.

"So how are we are going to gain her attention? Last time we tried introducing ourselves she smacked her butt and flipped us off, then proceeded to say "Kiss my ass" before turning into flower petals." Danny Grumbled with his arms crossed. Jake on the other hand had a mischievous look on his face while looking off into the distance. He smirked and said the unexpected.

"Well to be honest, I on the other hand wouldn't mind kissing her a- gaaahhh! Shit dude that hurts, I was just kidding!" Jake growled out in the end while holding his nose. Luckily I was sitting behind my health hazard of a book case that's supported by a stash of books and two cement bricks. Before he could finish his previous statement I grabbed a book and hurled it straight at him. I gave him a glare in return to his response. Danny that was next to him yanked his ear a little as if scolding a child while Howard was busting his ass off in the background.
"What were you thinking! You can't just go around saying things like that!" Danny scolded Jake while he was yelping from the pain from both his face and now ear.

"Rrrreeeeaaaalllll smooth mister Long." Howard said while trying to stop laughing.

"See Howard gets it!" He yelled out in defense as if what he just said gotten justified because of Howard's sarcastic remark.

"Dude Howard was just being sarcastic!" I yelled back before sighing. I looked down to see Nomicon glowing as he usually does when he needs to tell me something... but now he's starting to shake about and it's freaking me out.

"Dude, you know Nomicon knows her then you go and say that comment. He looks pissed or something, say sorry- Urk!" Before I could even finish my sentence Nomicon burst open in the middle of the table sucking everyone in the book. We all landed harshly on the ground with nothing to break our fall into what seems to be an empty space.

"Jeez Nomicon Jake was the one who said it, not me." Howard groaned while trying to get up from the ground.

"Are we still on that? I'm a teenage boy with some hormones give me a break." Jake huffed out while dusting himself off from the fall after getting back up. As soon as Jake finished that statement Nomicon flashed a sentence in front of us with some words in bold and others in high light.

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