Hairpins and Hair Pains

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_Norrisville High_
~Howards POV~
* 9:24 AM*

"Shit shit shit FUCK!" I yelled out desperately while aggressively pounding the wall in anger and desperation. How the hell did I lose her!? I stopped pounding the wall and rested my head on my hands letting out a stressed sigh. My hands had a dull ache which was a stark contrast to the aching feeling my heart was feeling realizing that ( Y/n ) not only was alone with the ghost but didn't have her mask as well. Don't get me wrong she wasn't a damsel in distress and could handle a situation like that better than I can. However, the situation was too intense for me to relax anytime soon. Especially when my one job was to watch over ( Y/n ) and now she's outta sight. My legs now feel like they'd filled with lead sprints off into a mad dash. I turned a corner while the gears turn and ache in my head trying to think of a plan to get her back. Randy was still gone doing god knows what with Theresa depending on how far away they are from the scene. I run in search of the school's alarm. Due to all the attacks that happen this school has two alarms. One is called the fire alarm and is typically accessible to many schools. I skidded to a stop after finally finding the alarm that only our school has in this whole town.

The monster alarm.

I opened the case and yanked the lever down and bells began to ring. Despite not having any powers the guys always entrusted me with helping with the fight. I sure as hell can't win in combat but I can notify Randy, the Ninja, and give them an open battleground and bring ( Y/n ) her mask. Once the students hear the bells and evacuate there are fewer chances of hostages and students caught in the crossfire. This baby was implemented and fully operational not too long ago. With the increase in monster attacks, the school thought it'd be the best course of action.
Doors began to bust open and screams quickly filled the halls. I turned back around and started dashing to Spanish class praying that Danny and the ghost were no longer there. If I can just get ( Y/n ) backpack and the mask inside then I can help her out. I entered the room and the class was empty with chairs and desks scattered everywhere with some turned upside down. I sigh in relief and dash through the obstacles and yanked up ( Y/n ) bag. I quickly slung it over my shoulder with determination. Before I could run out The Ninja dashed in and stumbled while frantically looking around. He quickly noticed me in the room.

"Howard! Thank god bro! What the hell happened!?" Randy yells out frantically.

"Looong story bro in short a ghost thing took over a student I think and it went after ( Y/n ) but Danny is fighting them off now and ( Y/n ) is hiding out with me. I'm going back to her now." I quickly said lying at the very end to create her alibi. His face loosens and I see most of his worry dissipate.

"Cool, I'll find Danny and help out. You just get her outta here and I'll text ya when we're done bud."

I made a stern nod and agreed. After that, he dashed back out to help out in the fight. I follow afterward and turned in the other direction with my legs already slightly aching from all the running. Now I just gotta find ( Y/n ) and bring her mask. That is the only way I can help in this fight after all.

_Randy's house_
~Randy's POV~
*4:03 AM*

I arched over and reached towards the source of a light that buzzed near me endlessly. It felt as if I was slowly dragged away from my slumber, and I was too tired to even feel frustrated about it.

Ah, it's cause someone was calling me.

I saw the caller ID and sighed a bit before grabbing the phone and declining the call. It felt good, but I lay there and waited for the incoming call. It immediately flashed again, only for me to slowly pick it up and answer the phone. I let out a gruff in response to show I'm listening.

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