Acknowledgement and Acceptance

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_Norrisville High_
~(Y/n) POV~

A couple of days have passed ever since Howard found out that I was (H/n). Thankfully there have been no attacks ever since. But unfortunately, we haven't seen the Psyche Eater yet. We were alone in The Gifted and Talented Classroom, and the dark, dingy space was only illuminated by one dim light attached to the ceiling. It turns out the classroom got abandoned, considering the program didn't go far since there weren't enough kids to make it worth it. For these past couple of days, Howard and I would come down here.
His recovery went smooth, and he wasn't experiencing any after-effects of the Psyche Eater that he linked with not so long ago. Even so, I still did daily checkups on him.

"Ugh, I'm fine (Y/n)! You don't have to coddle me!" Howard huffed out. I shushed him and raised my hand to his chest.
"Hurry along before the rest of the guys take notice of us stepping out together. They'll make sure you never leave their sight again due to them spiting the idea of you meeting up with me like this." Howard said while rolling his eyes.
"Oh, whatever, dude, you're dramatic," I replied after I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes at the accusation and began the enchantment.

"Strip your flesh and bones reveal to me your pneuma
Crown to sole display your soul
Haud paucos allici
Exhibeo y Appareo, Number 54!"

_Norrisville High
~Danny POV~

"Is it just me, or does (Y/n) seem pretty close to Howard?" My head was tilted up with my back pressed against the lockers. I didn't think much when I said that out loud. Jake was right beside me and looked up at me with a quirked brow. Randy, who was on my other side, slammed his locker shut.

"You're right lately when Howard steps out (Y/n) leaves right after him. He texts her a lot too and not in our group chat." Randy says with a troubling look on his face. I sighed and stood up straight, taking my back off the lockers.

"The hell you think they're doing going off like that?" Jake asked Randy with a hint of annoyance laced in his voice. His brows were furrowed, and his nose wrinkled. He was annoyed. Although I knew Howard most likely has the least bit of interest in (Y/n) out of all of us, I still felt dread and jealousy pooling down my stomach as if it was fucking tar. It didn't make sense how much I wanted to be in Howard's position right now. The last time I felt like this was with... Sam. Of course, how I feel towards (Y/n) doesn't compare to the peak of my feelings for my ex-girlfriend. Even so, I knew I felt the same way with Sam at the start of me acknowledging my feelings for her. Jake was already making his move and seemed oblivious to it. Holding her hand, putting his arms around her, getting so close, whispers in her ear, showing her his skateboard tricks, and worst of all, at times the way he looks at her.


It's what made everything I listed previously worse than it is alone. Jake was always a show-off with his board. He was always a physical person, putting us in headlocks and resting his elbow on our shoulders. He'd whisper snarky remarks to us and smirk. It was all typical of Jake's behavior. But I'll be damned if Jake looked at me the way he looked at (Y/n). The hand holding definitely cemented my theory. One time Howard asked to hold his hand too. In which he proceeds to have (Y/n)'s and told him to go to Randy.

Randy, on the other hand. Before he met (Y/n), he geeked about being partners with Theresa Fowler for our current science project. Now he's been quiet about it, and I'm starting to understand now. He obviously has a thing for (Y/n), too though it is less evident than Jake. I didn't get it. What made him so interested when he had Theresa Fowler? Lately, he's been hanging around Theresa less and less, and that time has been replaced onto (Y/n) whether he knew that or not. It's no secret that Theresa has a crush on Randy. We all knew that aside from (Y/n) only because she's new.

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