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When I took ahold of Howard I made us both burst into flower petals and quickly exit the school. Whilst doing so I blew past the Dragon but kept going. I didn't need him seeing Howard with ( H/n ) especially when Howard is the alibi for ( Y/n ). I'll just clear things up with The dragon and the rest of the trio later. I guided us through a broken window I found no doubt from the ghost that was wreaking havoc. The school was empty and the alarm that blared off earlier had already shut off I'm guessing due to a timer. I kept going only gaining more speed trying to find a discrete place close to home. I saw an alleyway and quickly darted over and landed us there. We materialize back to our normal bodies and Howard had petals on his shoulders and hair and stars in his eyes.

"Holy... SHIT!" He yelled out excitedly while fist-pumping the air. I held him close and covered my hand over his mouth.
"Shhhhh! Dude, you wanna get us caught!" I replied while taking off the mask and slipping it back into my bag. Howard grabbed my hand and lowered it off his mouth.

"Well excuuuuse me for this being my first time turning into a bunch of flowers." He sarcastically shot back his eyes then scanned my backpack before he facepalmed.

"Aaaah crud I forgot my backpack back at school. I'll just get it back next time." He sighed out in frustration.

"Well hey look on the bright side! The school looked like it was in shambles the windows were wrecked and glass was everywhere. We'll probably be doing online school for a week or something." I replied as we started walking out the alleyway.

"Yea that's cool I guess more time for me to hang around with the guys." He said tapping his chin in a thinking manner. I looked over at him and tilted my head.

"Oh, yea when we hafta do online school until the school reconstruction is safe enough we all group up and go to each other's house and do school there and just... hang." He said shrugging his shoulders at the end.

"We typically don't have much to do during these waiting periods in school. So we kill time." He added in the end.

"Huh. So what do you guys do during these times?" I questioned out of curiosity still leading the way to my apartment.

"Well we go out now and then but we like to stay inside for the most part. We just kinda talk and play video games and binge shit and occasional discourse will pop up." He replied.

"Well... I hope you guys have fun doing that stuff in the meantime while our school is getting fixed." I said with a forced smile on my face. It wasn't too forced I mean I'm glad they got to have fun but I just wasn't a part of that fun. I'm the new girl in the group so I didn't expect them to rope me in with every activity they did together. Not only that but I had responsibility. Ones that neither of them has such as being a hero and having a part-time job.

"Huh? Dude, quit being so damn distant I know you're a hero but sheeeeesh!" He shot out with a roll in his eyes. I looked over at him in slight surprise.

"Obviously you're invited. You sounded like a kicked puppy, you're obviously a part of the squad. You better come to our hangouts too! I get you to have a job so you can miss some but if I suspect anything bout you gettin distant I'll personally drag your ass over because I'm a great friend of course." He rambled out and pointed a strict finger at me at the end of his last sentence showing me that he means business.

Despite his strict and serious tone all I could do was just give a wide genuine smile.

"Dear lordt- stop with the goofy look are we almost there ye-" His sentence was cut off when I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and held him closer to me giving him a sideways half-hug while continuing the walk down to my apartment.

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