School Work Hang Out

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Jake groaned out in frustration and lazily fell on his back
"All I saw was petals flowing past me and then BAM-! When I kept looking I found the unconscious girl who was possessed and surrounded by flower petals." He recalled to the group.

"Well, this certainly isn't the first time ( H/n ) was being secretive towards us. Though I thought we'd get closer seeing she had a history with The Nomicon." I mumbled out. I could feel my eyebrows scrunching up.

"Yea well Nomi isn't spittin out much about her whenever I ask," Randy replied and the book beside him gave off a soft glow in response.

"He says... Fuck off," Randy says with a nonchalant face.

We were all sitting on the floor and had our computers and work out. It was only Jake, Randy, and me sitting on the floor in my room. My room was honestly the neatest out of all of us. We had some snacks and drinks of our choosing surrounding us. We heard knocking on the door and an older female voice calling out.

"Yo lemme in!" The voice demanded with three knocks accompanying it. The door was unlocked but they still waited for my answer.

"Come in!" I yelled back lazily slouching with my back against my bed frame. The door opens and we all look up to see Jazz or more formally known as Jasmine, my sister. She had a plate full of cookies and sauntered over crouching down and placed it between us. We perk up and reach over she shot back up with an exclamation.

"Hey hey save some for Howard! Speaking of which where is he, he usually comes in with you Randy." She said in thought turning her attention over to Randy. Randy switches his position to sitting crisscross while munching on one cookie.

"Yea Howard is with ( Y/n ). He's bringing her over soon we came here early so we can discuss... some things about school." Randy said with a pause. Jazz raised an eyebrow and had a questionable look at first but her eyes lit up with understanding and winked at us.

"Aaahh I see." She replied while sitting down becoming a part of the circle.

Jazz was one of the first people to find out about my powers. When she found out without my knowledge she waited for me to tell her when I was ready. Ever since we've been closer than ever. She knows the group knows and although there's never been much verbal indication she's figured Randy and Jake are a part of The Secret Trio. Because of this, she's had our back since day one. Jazz always covers for us when we're out fighting or doing god knows what. She trusts us to be mature enough to not get ourselves in deep shit when we sneak out to do things. Whenever we do run into some trouble though she's got our back.

"So is there any way I can help? You guys seemed pretty frustrated before I got here." She noted with a worried look. I let out a groan and took a bite of my cookie.

"You can help us with ( Y/n )." Jake quickly replied.

"Oh?" Jazz questions looking towards him.

"Ya she doesn't... know anything about Danny's secret so we'll probably need help keeping it that way in the meantime," Jake said. My eyes lit up and agreed along with Randy.

"Yea we gotta let her get attached before she realizes we're super fuckin weird and possibly dangerous," Randy added.

"Hmm, you guys just like this ( Y/n ) can't wait to meet her!" Jazz replied glancing over at me with a knowing look I met her gaze knowing exactly what she meant. Ever since I met ( Y/n ) I would talk to Jazz about her. Two days ago the school was attacked and a ghost was targeting none other than ( Y/n ). Of course, that'd happen right after I've come to grips with my feelings towards ( Y/n ). I mentioned that to Jazz as well and I'm pretty sure when she made that statement it was directed mostly towards me. Thinking about it before I went hunting the ghost down Randy went somewhere with Theresa and Heidi. Before that, she said something that I didn't really think about until now.

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