Dine Out

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My eyes lit up when I saw Danny and Randy come in and look around and lock eyes with me. I waved them down towards us, and they started to walk over. It was a tremendous relief to see them after that big attack at school.

"Sup, bro!" Randy said while sliding next to Howard in the booth right across from me and set his bag to the side. Howard greeted Randy with their routinely handshake before he turned his attention to me and smiled. I slid over closer to the wall so that Jake and I had enough room for Danny to sit. Danny and Jake looked at each other with smiles on their faces and nodded at each other as if saying 'sup.'

They all greeted each other in their way and seemed to have a strong bond with one another, and I couldn't help but feel a little left out. Although I was focusing more so on how close Jake and I are now that three people are sharing a booth seat and not two. However, that focus was quickly interrupted.

"Hey, Howard, you're not lookin so good. You good, bro?" Randy said. Howard's eyes shot up at me, and we made brief eye contact. He quickly picked up some fries from earlier and dipped them in some ketchup.

"Ya man, just hella hungry after that attack from school," Howard said with another side glance.

'Will you make it less obvious yeah!'

"Pffft- didn't you finish your lunch when you hid?" Danny pointed out with a snort.

"Bro, you ain't did shit!" Jake said, wrapping his arm around the booth behind me and slacking his posture to get more comfortable.

Howard's eyes snapped over to Jake and gave a humorous look. "Oh, and you did?" He simply replied while wiggling his eyebrows. Jake's thick eyebrows twitched, and I'm pretty sure I heard his patience snapped in half. I couldn't help but stifle a little laugh but started to clear my throat and turned my head when Jake gave me a look. Randy bonked Howard on the head with an annoyed expression. Danny scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Ayo, get ya friend in check Randy." Jake shot back. Howard looked at Jake with a fake shocked hurtful expression.

"Yea, I'm on it," Randy murmured before putting Howard in ahead and ruffling his hair.

"Ow, fuck! Bro, I'm your friend too!" Howard added while struggling against Randy's hold.

"(Y/n) heeeeelp!" Howard cries out.

I didn't get why they seemed so offended by Howard's statement considering they all hid too. I mean, I was there defeating the monster, and they indeed weren't around. My thoughts were cut off when Jake wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him in a possessive way.

"She's with us; it's futile, Howard," Jake said with a smug look and flicked him off with his other hand playfully. Howard looked up at me with hope shimmering in his eyes, but it dimmed down once he saw my reaction. My face felt warm, and I could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage. My heartbeat was almost drowning out what they were saying.

'Oh god, quiet down! He'll practically hear you!'
'I didn't say anything.'

'Not you, my damn heart!'

"You damn vixe-" Howard didn't get to finish his insult when a waiter walked over to our group. My eyes widen, and I ignored Howard's cries for help.

"It is ya own homies, huh," Jaiden said with a raised eyebrow and chuckled. My reaction towards Jake simmers down, and I raise my hand to greet him. He wore our uniform, and the rolled-up sleeves and charming face revealed his tan brown skin tone. His dark brown dreads framed his face perfectly, and the white Cowrie shells and silver hair cuff decorated it beautifully. His lower eyelashes were a bit long and flattered, his dark eyes scanning the people he hasn't met yet.

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