Chapter Four|| And thus they meet

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{Katherine's POV}

"So you're telling me he kicked you out? Like y'all are actually done? For good?" Stephanie asked as she whipped up Ivy some lunch.

I came here last night and crashed on her couch only to wake up this morning by the man who drops Ivy off.

"Yes," I grumbled sipping my third cup of coffee.

"So, how long will you be staying here?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I have enough money to go and get an apartment. I just need to go and look for one. I think I'm going to go today." I replied and stood from the kitchen bar stool and walked putting my cup in the sink.

"Well, you're free to stay as long as you need. Lord knows I won't be doing anything but babysitting Ivy and watching Grey's Anatomy." She replied and I laughed.

"This is why you're my best friend." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"I know. I'm the freaking best." She shot back.

"Out of curiosity how much does he pay you to watch her?" I asked and she hummed thinking about it.

"Well, her dad paid me one hundred a week and at the time I didn't watch her on the weekends. Alpha Adrian pays me two hundred and fifty a week because she is mostly with me all throughout the week including weekends. Someone gets her around five though, so I'm not complaining. Also some days she won't come and he still pays me as if she did." My eyes nearly left my head.

"Can I get paid that much? Please?" I joked and she grinned as she finished cooking the chicken strips and placed them on a plate.

"I'm sure you get paid fine Miss radio talk show host who everyone loves." She winked.

"Ivy! Lunch is ready!" Stephanie called out and I looked over since the kitchen is right next to the living room and watched as Ivy looked up from her toys and grinned standing and ran to us.

"Wunch!" She clapped raising her arms and I giggled at how she couldn't pronounce her "L" 's just yet.

Stephanie picked her up placing her in a small booster seat and placed the chicken in front of her making sure it wasn't too hot.

"You can go watch TV if you want. I'm gonna help her eat. She gets eager with chicken fingers and wants to scarf them down instead of taking small bites." Stephanie mused and I laughed watching the cute little girl open her mouth for the small bites of chicken.

"She's too cute," I mumbled walking into the living room and grabbed my keys off the coffee table. "I'm gonna head out and look for some apartments," I called back at Steph.

"You don't work today?"

"Nope, I got the day off," I replied walking to the front door.

"Alright, love you. Be safe!" I yelled back a 'you too' and walked out the door.

I was more than blessed to have a friend like Stephanie.


"So you're telling me it's five hundred a month... for this?" I asked looking around the small apartment.

"Yes. Apartments are more expensive around here dear. When you can live in the pack house or get an apartment... prices tend to go up." The lady explained.

"It's not the price. It's just... this place is so small and look, the ceiling is caving in over there!" I pointed out and she sighed looking down at her list marking this room off.

"We can get that fixed easily. Plus, you said it's just you right? It's perfect." I shook my head.

"Do you have anything else?" She nodded.

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