{Katherine's POV}
"Katherine, look at me." he was crouched right in front of me, but I couldn't take my eyes off the words written on the wall; I felt numb.
"Katherine," Adrian spoke more sharply and slowly my eyes moved to meet his.
"We need to get you out of here." I shook my head, I didn't want to leave. I had to know what happened here.
"Katherine, stop being stubborn for once and listen to me." he pleaded.
His hands cupped the sides of my face making me look at him again.
"I need to get you out of here. It's not safe nor good for you to sit here." he countered.
"We have to find her." I croaked out.
"We will, baby, we will." I didn't fight as he slowly swept me up and into his arms.
I was numb, tired, and completely and utterly done. I didn't even remember the ride home I was so in my thoughts. What were they planning? Where did they take her? What have they done to her already?
Why did they have to stoop so low?
"Come on, babe," Adrian spoke bringing me from my thoughts.
He had already opened my car door and was waiting for me to get out. I unbuckled and turned to step out when he once more swept me up into his arms. Any other day I would have complained, but at the moment him being near helped some.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me inside and laid my head on his chest.
"We'll get her, Kate, I promise." I weakly nodded not being able to find the words to reply.
Will we? She was already so many steps ahead.
The next morning came and I felt no better. I mean, how exactly were you supposed to feel when your friend was just taken from you?
All day men were in and out of Adrian's office as I merely sat just waiting for something to happen.
"I don't care. You scout this whole damn pack until your paws bleed. Do you understand?" Adrian growled through the phone and ended the call seconds after.
"We didn't listen to the note." I croaked out.
"What?" Adrian asked turning to face me.
"We didn't listen to the note, Adrian. I have to reject you then leave. She-" I stopped talking when my voice cracked.
Adrian was squatting before me in seconds with a worried expression. "You're not serious are you?" He asked as if I was crazy. "That is the last thing we need to do. We're already marked, rejecting each other after you're marked is dangerous. You don't know what would happen. I don't know if I could ever remark you." he explained.
"She wants me gone so I need to be."
"That is letting her win!"
"If it saves my best friend, then who cares?!" I yelled.
"Me! Who will save us after?! Huh?!" I flinched from the truth in the words and Adrian took in a deep breath trying to calm himself down.
"Look, baby girl, there is always another way. We just have to keep trying and we have to find it. I'm having my men look now as it is."
"I'm just so scared for her," I mumbled and Adrian sighed motioning for me to stand up.
After I did, he sat in my spot and pulled me back down onto his lap and into his embrace. I leaned my head on his chest, closing my eyes before the tears could come. I'm such a weakling. Other lunas would probably put on a tough face and stand with their heads high then laying in their mates grasp sobbing.
"We're all worried, Kate. I hate to be that cliche person and say probably the last thing you want to hear, but we have to have hope. Giving up now would be an easy win for her. I'm not going to let her win this time."
"I'm sorry I'm putting you through this. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even be having this problem." I stated and Adrian scoffed.
"Please, I'd much rather have you in my life and a few bumps in the road then a life without you and no worries. You've become my life lately, Katherine. I can't quite see it without you."
His words always melted my heart, but tonight for some reason they really hit home. It made me realize I no longer was that independent woman that pushed everyone away like I used to be. Now, I needed Adrian. He was... my light at the end of the tunnel.
We were bonded.
Then it hit me.
"Oh, my Goddess!" I yelled sitting up and Adrian immediately went on guard.
"What's wrong?!"
"We bonded!" I said and Adrian gave me a confused look.
"Yes? I marked you-"
"No! Not you and me...me and Steph! We were drunk one night and we did a blood bond for our friendship." I stated and Adrian's brows furrowed.
"A friendship bond! We didn't really think it'd work, but we heard of some of our other friends do it. You're just closer to them. You can feel their emotions, see through their wolf eyes, and communicate out of pack link, which is stronger. It's like a mate bond except without the mate part." I clarified.
"Link her! What are you waiting for? Pack link may be blocked, but they don't know about this direct link you have."
I closed my eyes taking a deep breath and let my wolf call out to hers. Who knew a drunken mistake could potentially be a lifesaver?
'Steph! Oh, my Goddess! Where are you? Are you okay?!'
'I-I don't know. I-it's dark and I'm scared. I'm not hurt, just shaken up.'
'Are you chained up or tied up?'
'No...I'm on the ground.'
'Feel around, see if you can feel for a switch or something.' I encouraged.
'I don't feel anything, but it...the walls...they feel like a ...storage container? With the weird sidings.'
'Use your wolf eyes, Steph. She'll be able to see better.' After a minute her voice came back through.
'It's definitely a storage container. I can't open it from the inside.'
'Hang tight, Steph. We're coming.'
"Storage containers," I told Adrian whose eyes widened.
"Like a storage unit?" he asked and I nodded.
"That's what she said it looked like."
"There are only two storage units in the pack, let's go."
I'm coming, Stephanie.
Lets see if I can get all chapters posted today
Not edited

The Rampant Bond
WerewolfAfter the sectors being demolished under the reign of Queen Scarlett and King Christian, Katherine Heights was eager to explore the world around her. She moved to the Rampant Pack, excited to start a new life of freedom. Little did she know what wa...