Chapter Thirty|| Tag

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{Katherine's POV}

"Alright, get up sleepy head," I called out as I walked into Ivy's room.

I watched as her eyes slowly fluttered opened and I smiled walking to her bed here at the beach house. "Morning." I hummed as I sat on the edge next to her.

"Good morning," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes and I smiled.

"How'd you sleep?"


"Well, let's get you up. Adrian made breakfast and it's one of your favorites...pancakes." I spoke excitedly and her eyes lit up.

"Pancakes!" she screeched and I laughed looking at her four-year-old self.

She scurried from her bed running towards the door before I could even stand up. "Be careful!" I called out as she darted down the hall to the steps.

Once we made it back downstairs, I helped her get situated at the table properly. Adrian sat a plate in front of her and she was quick to dig in. How freaking cute.

"Thanks, babe," I spoke as Adrian pulled out my chair for me to sit.

"Don't thank me," he replied, leaning over to peck my lips before taking his own seat at the table.

"So," Adrian started after a few minutes of normal morning talk. "I was thinking us three could head up to the boardwalk that's near here. It'd be fun for Ivy and it'll get our mind off things. There's tons of games and'll be nice." he offered and I nodded.

"Sounds like fun."

"Please! I like games!" Ivy yelled out with a mouth full of pancake and we chuckled, shaking our heads.

"Then it's settled. Boardwalk it is." Adrian finalized.


"The pink one!" Ivy squealed as she jumped up and down.

Adrian had won her yet another stuffed animal. Show off.

"Here ya go, sweetie." the man behind the booth spoke, getting the animal down for her and she grinned taking it.

"Next game!" we chuckled as she grabbed Adrian's hand, pulling him along to walk faster.

Everything felt so nice. Adrian was smiling and laughing at Ivy and I was just enjoying his happiness. He hasn't looked so carefree like that in a while. He smiled, looking back at me as she dragged him to Goddess knows where. I shot him a grin, following closely behind.

"Fish!" Ivy yelled, stopping next to another booth and sure enough tiny goldfish sat in different bowls.

Adrian paid the man working it for a few tries.

"Okay, but you gotta help me," Adrian said and picked her up sitting her on his shoulders. "You have to toss one of these balls into the bowl to get a fish, alright?"

"I got it, Adri!" she spoke eagerly as he handed her one to toss in.

"Here, Kate." he tossed me one and I laughed as I shook my head.

Like she needs a fish.

Each of us started tossing them in. My shot missed as did Ivy's shots. Adrian was purposely missing and I giggled, covering my mouthing.

"Man, I'm sorry Ivy, I'm just not good at that game." he lied as he walked her away from it.

"It's okay, fish are smelly anyways." she shrugged carelessly.

"Indeed they are," I added.

Adrian kept one hand locked around Ivy's leg as she still sat perched upon his shoulders and laced the other with mine as we walked. "This was a good idea," Adrian spoke, catching my attention.

My other hand wrapped around his forearm and I laid my head on his shoulder. "It was." I agreed, smiling up at him.

"It just sucks that we have to go back to a mess at home."

"It does, but we'll get through it. I believe in us." I stated and his eyes held admiration it seemed like.

"I believe in us too."


"Run, Ivy, run!" Adrian laughed out as they both ran away from me.

Ivy decided it would be fun to play tag...and I was it.

When I neared them, Adrian swooped up Ivy in his arms and took off down the boardwalk and I wanted to curse him for his alpha speed at the moment. I looked around and grinned spotting a shortcut as I saw them turn. When I cut through, I caught them just as they passed, tapping Adrian and Ivy on the shoulder and ran in the opposite direction.

People were giving me weird looks as I ran like a hooligan down the walk, but I didn't care. I was having fun with my family, it's what you're supposed to do and you're not supposed to care when you're having fun.

I could hear Ivy's giggles as Adrian was coming up behind me. I heard him belch out a laughed as he passed me, but slapped my ass as he did.

"You bastard!" I called out and he only threw his head back laughing in response but slowed his run until I caught up with them.

"I give up, you two win," I stated, out of breath.

"Wow, babe, you really need to work out more." Adrian teased and I playfully smacked his chest.

"I hate you," I grumbled.

"No, you don't."

"I wish I did," I mumbled, folding my arms only causing him to laugh more.

"Awe, is someone pouting?"

He laughed, sitting Ivy on her feet next to him. "No." I shot back.

"Oh, you totally are."

"Kiss my ass," I spoke loud enough for him to hear and not Ivy.

His expression darkened some as he gave me a mischievous grin. "I'd love to." I gasped at the comment and went to smack him again when Ivy reached over slapping my knee.

"You're it!" she yelled before turning on her heels and darting off.

My heart dropped as Adrian launched forward as she merged into a crowd of people.

"IVY!" he yelled and I followed after him.

"IVY! GET BACK HERE!" he yelled again.

We stopped in the middle of the crowd of people, frantically looking around.

"My daughter! Please!" Adrian was trying to ask people for help or to get their attention but they couldn't care less.

"IVY!" he yelled again, looking completely broken.

Oh no.


uh oh




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