Chapter Nine|| Just Friends

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{Katherine's POV}

I was quick to walk upstairs. Stephanie who held Ivy followed close behind. My wolf was clawing to be set free and I pushed her down as best as I could. I rounded the corner only to hear laughing that made my blood boil.

Okay, Katherine, take it down a couple of notches.

I walked towards the laughter and came to the kitchen. A girl stood with her back to me as her hand sat on Adrian's shoulder as he stirred something in a pot. My brows furrowed as I took in the situation.

"Stacy!" Ivy yelled when she came in with Stephanie. Adrian and Stacy's head whipped towards our direction.

Stacy's eyes widened slightly and she covered it up smiling.

"Hi, Ivy!" She said as Stephanie sat her on her feet and Ivy ran into Stacy's arms.

Damn, the kid likes her too.

"How's my baby girl doing?" She asked and Ivy just giggled in response.

"I'm going to go back downstairs." Stephanie mind linked and scurried away. Great.

"Uh," Adrian cleared his throat. "Katherine meet Stacy, Stacy meet Katherine." He said and I managed a smile.

"Nice to meet you," I said but it didn't sound much like a happy greeting.

"Likewise." She spoke with a bit of distaste behind her smile that was just as fake as mine.

She turned to Adrian and I couldn't see her expression as her back faced me, but I'm assuming she was giving him the 'who the hell is that' look.

"This is Katherine, my mate." Adrian announced and I wanted to toss my hair over my shoulder and bob my head as to say 'that's right' but I refrained and managed another fake smile.

"M-mate?" She stuttered out.

"Yeah...Katherine this is my friend and Ivy's dad's sister."

No...anything but that. I feel like I can't be mad at her now.

Adrian noticed the awkwardness and turned back towards the food he was cooking and stirred it again.

"Dinner will be ready soon, Stacy would you like to join us?" He asked and she grinned at him.

"I'd love to, Adri." She spoke and I decided that yes...yes I can not like her.

Adrian's eyes met mine and I raised a brow as Stacy turned to put Ivy down. He gave me eyes that spoke 'don't start this now' and I folded my arms rolling my eyes.

So...obviously there is something that went on between them. There has to be, and I don't mean just a friendship. The way she was looking at him proved different.

"Kathween," Ivy said tugging on my hand and I looked down. "Can we go watch the movie now?" She asked and I laughed picking her up and placed her on my hip.

"We're about to eat dinner, silly," I answered.

"Actually, Katherine, can you take Ivy and help her get her hands washed before dinner?" Adrian asked and I gritted my jaw.

He was purposely getting rid of me. What was he going to say to her?

"Sure." I turned on my heels heading towards the bathroom.


Dinner was awkward with a capital A. All you heard was the scraping of utensils and the giggling of Stacy and Ivy as they chatted. Stephanie left before dinner saying she really didn't want to be apart of the tragedy that was about to happen and told Adrian she had a family emergency. Some best friend she is...leaving me alone with brunette Barbie and her fake hair extensions.

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