Chapter Nineteen|| Mommy & Daddy

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{Katherine's POV}

"I'm just saying I think it'll be good for you." Adrian said as he placed Ivy's breakfast in front of her.

"It just makes me nervous." I admitted taking my seat at the table with my own plate of food.

"You'll just be sitting in a meeting with me. You won't have to say anything or won't be asked questions. I promise. You'll just observe to see how it goes. Soon, when you're luna, you'll be sitting with me in all of my meetings and giving your input as well. We'll make decisions together." Adrian explained trying to get me to come.

"Fine." I grumbled scooping a piece of eggs onto my fork and bringing it to my mouth.

"Good." He smiled content with me coming to observe.

I knew it was any day now that I would become luna. Though, he would have to mark me first. I didn't know if I would be a good fit for a luna, so when I told Adrian that, he was quick to deny it saying that it comes naturally to lead and that we were destined for this position. I think it's a load of bull crap, but if it makes him sleep at night, he can believe that. After our discussion is when he brought up that maybe I should sit in on one of his meetings to see how things flow.

"When is your first meeting?" I asked wanting to get this over as soon as possible.

"It's at nine," He said glancing at his watch. "Which is in an hour, so we have plenty of time."

"That works good, I have to be at the station later." I replied and he nodded.

I glanced at a quiet Ivy as she put her full attention on munching away at her food.

"Is it good Ivy?" I asked causing her eyes to flicker to mine.

"Yummy." Was her reply causing Adrian and me to chuckle.

"I think she gets cuter and cuter every day." I told Adrian who nodded with an exasperated eye roll.

"Don't remind me. I can't even imagine her when she starts dating." I chuckled at the thought of Adrian running away any boy she came into contact with.

"I guess it'll be my job to keep you from killing the first boy that ask her to go out, huh?" I asked with a small grin.

Adrian smirked. "I guess it will. You'll have to get used to it. Especially if we have a girl of our own." He winked and my stomach caught butterflies.

"How many more children do you want?" I asked and he gave me a small smile with a shrug.

"Two maybe," He winked. "That is if I can keep my hands off you enough." He added causing my cheeks to heat slightly.

I honestly never really wanted children that much, but being with Adrian and starting a family of my own sounded wonderful. A family with a mate is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's not every day that you find your mate. I was blessed.

"Boy or girl?"

"Tough one, but i'd have to say both." He replied and I grinned.

"I think I'd want a boy." He raised a brow.

"How come?"

"I know what comes with being a girl and all the extra miles us girls with take sometimes."

"So you're saying having a boy will be easier?" He challenged and I shrugged.

"Not necessarily."

"I would say having a girl would be challenging too, but men have it hard as well." he shot back and I raised my hands in defense.

"Hey, I never said that they didn't."

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