Chapter Twenty-Nine|| New Jersey

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{Katherine's POV}

The ride to the beach house went smoothly. Ivy slept almost the whole way and it was honestly a peaceful drive, aside from Adrian's countless taunting and teasing the whole way there.

"I'll take our bags upstairs," Adrian told me as we packed the last of our things into the living room.

"Sounds good, Ivy is hungry, do you have food in the kitchen?" I asked glancing at Ivy who was talking with one of the guards as he joked around with her, her giggles bouncing off the walls around her.

"Yeah, I had it stocked before we came. I'm sure a snack will suffice until dinner," he spoke gripping each of our bags in one hand.

I gave him a small salute and headed towards the kitchen and opened up the pantry.

"Ivy! Come to get your snack." I called out grabbing some gummies out that she loves.

She ran into the kitchen with a big smile on her face. "You look happy," I stated and she grinned taking the gummies from me.

"I love Kyle," she gushed and my eyes nearly left my head.


"The guard! He is nice to me," she explained and I glanced at one of Adrian's men who stood outside guarding the front door with his back to us.

Poor thing. I remember my first crush on someone way older than me. I snickered, Adrian will flip.

"Well, Kyle is too old for you. Plus, boys are icky and you want to stay away for as long as you can." Ivy scrunched up her nose in distaste.

"But...but..." she started to pout and I quickly pointed to her gummies before she could cry. I can't do crying. "They're getting old! You better eat them quickly!" I said and her eyes widened slightly and she quickly put a gummy in her mouth chewing quickly.

Adrian walked back downstairs and looked at the time. "I was thinking about just ordering pizza for dinner. I think both of us are too tired to actually cook." he offered and I nodded in agreement.

"Yes, please."

Adrian nodded and grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge, uncapping it.


"Yes, Ivy?"

"Why can't I love Kyle?" Adrian did a spit take and looked at Ivy with wide eyes.

"What did you just ask?!" I belched out a laugh placing my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, she just has a crush," I whispered to him.

"I'll kill him."

"Must I remind you she is a child?" I teased and he squinted his eyes at me.

"Doesn't make it okay," he mumbled.

"It's a harmless crush, Adrian. I had plenty of them as a kid." I explained leaning down and picked Ivy up placing her on my hip.

"Alright, missy, we're gonna get you in some different clothes and I'll tell you all the reason on why boys are horrible," I said and glanced at an annoyed Adrian, shooting him a wink as I brushed past him.

As I said, he'd flip.


"She is too young to be thinking about that stuff," Adrian stated as we pulled back the comforter of our bed.

"Adrian, it's bound to happen. The kid watches Disney princess movies, which are revolved around love and happily ever afters. You just gotta love over it. She's a child who just wants what she watches. She doesn't even understand the concept, just that it's a fairytale in her eyes right now." I crawled into bed, stifling a yawn.

"I know, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. Goddess, can you imagine when she is older and gets her first boyfriend?" Adrian said and I chuckled as he laid next to me, pulling me to his side.

"I'll have to hold you down."

"Oh Goddess, and her first heartbreak! My heart will break and then it'll turn into rage and then I'll probably go after the kid." I nodded in agreement.

"I'm sure you will, but you also have to think that she is the alpha's kid technically and I don't think they'll really want to hurt her."

"So are you saying they won't want to date Ivy because of me?" he asked.

"Oh, Goddess no. They'll flock around her. That gives them a status, which will make it super hard for her to find a guy that truly wants her for her and not power." Adrian frowned at my response.

"I'm glad she'll have you in her life, though," he said looking to me. "I can't face all that without you." I smiled leaning up and pecked his lips.

"You won't have to," I stated and he grinned leaning back down to press his lips to mine with a small growl.

"I better not," he mumbled against them, maneuvering to where he was hovering over me with me pinned beneath him.

" next...door," I mumbled between kisses and he pulled back slightly looking me in the eyes.

His were already shining that bright orange I've come to love.

"She is a heavy sleeper," he stated with a tempting smirk.

Another thing I've come to love: his smirk.

My smile immediately dropped when it hit me. Love.

Adrian's smile slowly drifted away as he noticed my change in mood and he gave me a confused look.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Should I tell him? I love him...I love Adrian and I mean that. I'm not running away from it, but now just didn't feel right to tell him.

"Nothing. Just a lot on my mind." I replied looping my arms around his neck and went to pull him back down to my lips when he stopped looking more confused.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Now, are you going to help me forget those things for the time being or are you just gonna sit there?" I teased and he let out a chuckle.

"You're going to be the death of me," he mumbled, swooping down capturing my lips once more.

Every time our bodies touched, his hands roamed my body, or the pleasured groans left him it made me realize just how real all this was. We were mates, there was no running this time. It made me realize that I didn't want to run from him. No matter the circumstances of our...odd relationship. It didn't bother me that he had a kid to take care of or the fact that his crazy friend is trying to come after us. I just wanted him.

In any other situation, I would have done ran for the hills. But here I the bed with my mate.

"I want to do this right, and I need to stop," Adrian mumbled pulling away some.


"What do you mean?"

"If I don't stop now, I'll want to actually take you to bed and I don't know if you're ready for that. I honestly would prefer to complete our bond after you're Luna. It makes the experience...unreal I guess you could say. And I want to give you the world." he stated and I couldn't help but give him a cheesy smile.

"I agree." even if I couldn't control myself around him half the time. His proposition sounded amazing.

We just had to wait.


I love Ivy




Dang, I'm flying through posting chapters hehe

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