{Katherine's POV}
My wolf howled with pleasure as we saw Adrian pull up in his slick, sports car. He had shades on and stepped out of the car looking like a million dollars as a black leather jacket clung to him perfectly. His face showed relief when he laid eyes on me as I walked out of the house. I walked over to him and he was quick to pull me into his embrace.
"Please never pull something like this again. I was so worried. I know what I did is basically unforgivable, but I would have like to known you wanted space and wanted to get out of the house...not just up and leave without telling a soul." He explained and I nodded.
"I know, I'm sorry." I mumbled slowly returning the hug.
"Are your parents ready to rip my head off?" He asked as he pulled back and a small smile tugged at my lips.
Little did he know they were the reason we were even having this conversation.
"Would you like to meet them before we leave?" I asked hesitantly.
"I'd love to."
I nodded motioning for him to follow me and I lead him towards the house that I'm sure my parents were looking out the windows from. I opened the front door walking through.
"Mom, dad, he's here." I called out and they emerged from the living room and their spying.
"Alpha." They both said simultaneously giving a head bow of respect and he acknowledged them back with a deep nod.
"Please, call me Adrian. It's a pleasure to meet you two." He spoke sticking out his hand and they each politely shook it.
"Likewise." My father replied.
"I wanted him to meet you two before we left. I'll just get my things and we'll be out of your hair. Maybe we can come one day and talk on...better terms." I spoke and my mother nodded with a smile.
"I'd love to have you two, but it seems you need some time alone." I nodded in agreement.
"Will you help me get my bags?" I asked Adrian who nodded.
"Of course."
In reality, I didn't want him to have to stay in the living room awkwardly with my parents.
When he walked into my room he looked around with an amused smile.
"Quite the room." He spoke as I handed him one of my two bags I brought.
"It's been awhile since I've been here, okay?" I shot back cringing at the pink walls as Adrian chuckled.
I wish we could stay longer and talk with my parents, but I admit, I'm eager to hear what Adrian has to say.
After my goodbyes with my parents Adrian walked me to his car and placed my things in the back as I got in.
Here's to nothing...
"Im sorry," Adrian spoke up after a few minutes into the drive. "I didn't hear you out and I regret raising my voice at you like I did. It was never my intention to push you away or scare you. I just...when Stacy told me all that I was terrified that i'd lose Ivy and I took it out on you."
"It's okay, Adrian. I understand. Sure, I don't like the way you handled things but I understand that from your point of view and the things you had to go by...all fingers pointed to me and it looked like I was the potential reason Ivy could be taken from you. I get it. What I don't understand it why you all of a sudden believed her when you know what she's like?"

The Rampant Bond
WerewolfAfter the sectors being demolished under the reign of Queen Scarlett and King Christian, Katherine Heights was eager to explore the world around her. She moved to the Rampant Pack, excited to start a new life of freedom. Little did she know what wa...