{Katherine's POV}
"We've searched each container. She's not here." Clark stressed to Adrian who ran a hand through his hair frustrated.
"There aren't any other storage units near here," Adrian replied.
"Maybe...maybe she isn't in the pack," Clark responded finally putting the possibility on the table.
I didn't want to believe it. If she wasn't here then she could be anywhere, and that didn't settle well with me.
"But her wolf seemed familiar with the territory. Her wolf would have been more on guard and uneasy if she didn't know exactly where she was and Steph hasn't been anywhere else but this pack and the power pack. Ryker would have known people crossed into his territory." I piped up and Adrian nodded.
"That's true."
"We'll keep looking, Alpha." Clark clarified before turning on his heels and heading towards the other men that came here with us.
Worry washed over me and for another time that day, I felt useless and hurt.
"Hey, we'll find her." Adrian comforted, taking my hand in his.
"You don't know that." I croaked out not meeting his eyes.
"I'm a determined man, Katherine. I'll find her if I have to scout this whole pack myself. Come on, let's get you home. It's getting late."
"I don't want to sleep until I find her."
"Well, too bad, you need rest. You can't do much on a tired mind." he pulled me towards the direction of our car and I just wanted to scream, cry, kick something, or all the above.
I wanted this over.
{Adrian's POV}
"Have you tried reaching out to her again?" I asked as we got ready for bed.
"Yes. It's a blank connection, which makes me even more nervous."
"Don't stress it." I tried to reassure but I knew it wasn't going to do a thing.
Katherine's best friend's life was in jeopardy and nothing I said would change that.
As we laid in bed, I knew she was in her thoughts, which never led to anything good. Her head laid on my chest as I ran my hand through her hair, something I found out relaxed her a bit.
When Katherine finally managed to fall asleep, my phone rang. I cursed trying to get it without waking her up.
"What?" I whispered trying to slip out from under her without making too much movement and successfully got up and walked out into the hall.
"We have better news," Clark spoke.
"You found her?"
"No...but we found Stacy's witch friend. We're bringing her in now. Pack cells."
"I'll be down in a few." I quickly spoke, ending the call.
I threw on a shirt and some jeans and headed down to the pack cells as quickly as possible. My blood was boiling.
When I entered, it was deathly silent. Witches always put wolves on guard.
"Look who it is," she spoke once she saw me and I gritted my teeth trying not to end her here and now.
"Where is she?" I growled out.
"I don't know what you're talking about." the slight amusement in her eyes told otherwise.
I motioned for Clark to unlock the cell. After he did, I walked through and grabbed the front of her shirt yanking her to eye level. Fear laced through her features and I smirked. Good, we're getting somewhere.
"This is what is going to happen. You're going to tell me where Stephanie is and I won't kill you right here. You're going to stop sending my mate letters and tell Stacy I said she can come to face us herself and to stop being a coward. I'm tired of playing games. I don't care what happens next to her or anyone that tries to harm my mate for that matter." I gritted out.
"Even if I did know where she was, I wouldn't tell you."
"What is she offering you? What is more important than your life?"
"My son." She growled out and realization sat in.
"She's blackmailing you?"
"She said if I didn't do what she said that my son will be next. I'll be damned if I let that happen." I sighed releasing her from my grasp.
"I promise you protection if you just cooperate," I stated and her eyes held curiosity.
"Why help me?"
"Like one once said, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Are you in or not?" she looked away from my gaze thinking it over and slowly nodded.
"I'm not sure, but I heard Stacy mention something about shipping containers in a shipping yard if that means anything to you."
"It does actually."
Shipping containers...a type of storage unit we didn't look at. How could we be so forgetful?
"You heard her. Get the men back together." I told Clark and the crew and they nodded.
We ran from container to container looking through each one and as the numbers grew smaller and smaller, so did my hope. Stacy must have caught wind and moved her.
If her witch was now taken...she had to know something was up and the chances that her friend would betray her.
"I got something!" I heard Clark yell and us men headed to where he was.
When we rounded the corner he pointed to a container. "Handles are wrapped with silver chains. What a coincidence." he mused.
I sighed. Only I would be able to break the chains and it was going to hurt like a bitch.
"Move." he did so and I took a deep breath before wrapping my hands around the chains and gritted my teeth at the burning on my palms and pulled with all my strength breaking the chain apart.
I ripped the doors open and sure enough, Stephanie sat against the far wall with her knees to her chest and her face hidden in them, arms wrapped around her legs.
"Stephanie, it's me...Adrian. I'm here to take you home." I stated and slowly her head raised and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Oh thank Goddess," she mumbled.
Clark walked in and to her and picked her up bridal style. "I got her," he said walking her out and I sighed.
Thank you, Goddess.

The Rampant Bond
WerewolfAfter the sectors being demolished under the reign of Queen Scarlett and King Christian, Katherine Heights was eager to explore the world around her. She moved to the Rampant Pack, excited to start a new life of freedom. Little did she know what wa...