{Katherine's POV}
I paced around frantically.
"Katherine, it takes a minute." Adrian laughed.
"I know! I just...ugh, I want this so bad." I mumbled, looking at the ground.
"Hey, come here..." I walked over to him and he pulled me onto his lap as he sat on the edge of our bed.
"No matter what it says, it will happen. Things just take time and quite frankly whenever the Goddess deems us ready...we'll be ready, so don't overthink it, love."
I smiled at him, resting my forehead against his. "I love you."
He grinned at me. "I love you too, baby girl."
The sound of my phone's timer went off and I scrambled off Adrian's lap as he chuckled.
I took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom and grabbed the small stick off the counter.
"What does it say?"
"I don't know, I don't wanna look." I stared at myself in the mirror with nervousness.
I have taken three pregnancy test over the span of a few weeks and I feel like I'm being insane. Each time they had come back negative.
This was a big step in our lives. Bringing a kid into this world? It was terrifying but I wanted it so bad. I wanted my own family. I learned that over this year...family is everything and I spent my whole life running from the thought of commitment and here I am...holding a pregnancy test.
I was proud that I grew out of my old thoughtlessness habits and into a mature state of mind.
Adrian's arms came around my waist as he placed a kiss on my neck. "Babe, just look." I could hear the smile in his voice.
I quickly looked down and my heart stopped.
"It is."
"Oh...my Goddess. We're having a baby!"
"We're having a baby."
I spun in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck with a beaming smile. He laughed, picking me up and spun me around in a tight hug as the room filled with our laughter.
"I can't believe it." I breathed out.
"I know..." he looked down at the test as if it just hit him.
"I'm really going to be a father."
"You already are." I joked and he smiled, shaking his head.
"I mean...my own flesh and blood. Wow."
"I wonder what Ivy will think."
"Oh, she'll be over the moon if she can grasp the concept of having a little brother or sister."
"This is really happening. Months...we've been waiting for months, Adrian."
"And the time has finally come."
"We'll have to start brainstorming some names."
"Yeah... but we have time so right now...let's just take the time to celebrate this."
"How so? Dinner maybe? Oh, we can go to-" he cut me off by abruptly picking me up causing me to let out a screech.
"I was thinking reliving the moments that made this moment possible." he teased, carrying me towards our bed and I snorted.
"You're incurable."
"Oh, I know...and I don't feel bad about that one bit." he sat me on our bed, pulling his t-shirt over his head. "And I'm sure you don't either." he winked.
"Oh, I definitely do not, sir."
After a long...long night, Adrian thought it would be a good idea to go see my doctor the next day and I agreed.
Now we sat in the room as the doctor made sure everything was going right.
"And right here is the baby." the doctor pointed and I bit my lip as I looked at the screen.
"It's so tiny oh my goodness."
"Give it a few months, you won't be saying that when they start to kick for the first time." the doctor joked, wiping the gel off my stomach and started to turn the monitor off.
"So everything looks great. You're only a few weeks along, so I'll make you another appointment to see me again here soon. You have a healthy baby, congratulations. I'll need to get you on some vitamins to help but other than that...you're doing great."
I looked over at Adrian who looked to be in thought. I gave his hand a squeeze and he looked up at me, giving me his million dollar smile.
"Here are your pictures to keep." I took them eagerly, looking them over.
"When do you think we should start telling people?" Adrian asked.
"Typically it just depends on you two. Some people wait a month, some three. It's up to you two, but if you're wanting a suggestion...I'd give it a month or two before you tell the pack. Friends or close family will be fine."
"Thank you, Dr. Adams." I smiled at her and watched her retreat from the room.
"You okay?" I asked Adrian and he nodded.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"You just looked in thought through the whole thing."
"Yeah... I just was thinking about these next few months to come. My wolf side is pacing around right now and I have no idea why. He was immediately in a protective and possessive state when the doctor simply walked into the room. It took me a minute to calm him down. I remember stories about some wolves being really protective over their pups. I just don't need him wolfing out at the wrong person is all. It's a little nerve-wracking. It's just new and something I'll have to get used to."
"I would feel that's normal."
"And it is...I was really just thinking with him and me worrying all the time, it would be best if I took some more time off work. Let my beta step in some."
"If you feel that's necessary then I'll support it."
He leaned over, placing a kiss on the side of my head. "I know, let's get you home."
As he helped me up, something popped into my mind. "Would you care if I told Steph tonight? I just really want to. I think she's more excited about this next step for us than we are." I joked.
"Of course, babe. You don't have to ask permission to tell someone you'd like to tell."
"I know...I just know sometimes people like to wait a while to make sure no...complications happen." I hated the thought.
"Don't think anything negative, okay? We'll take it step by step. As of right now, I'd love for Stephanie to know."
"I just love you."
He chuckled. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing you say that."
"I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying it." I beamed.
"Good, I love you too, baby girl, now let's go home."

The Rampant Bond
WerewolfAfter the sectors being demolished under the reign of Queen Scarlett and King Christian, Katherine Heights was eager to explore the world around her. She moved to the Rampant Pack, excited to start a new life of freedom. Little did she know what wa...