Chapter Seven|| Moving In

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{Katherine's POV}

"And that, folks, is how I got dumped," I spoke into the mic with a small laugh. "Turns out I need to listen to myself a little more. You see...sometimes things work out for the best that way. After all this happened I didn't feel pain, remorse, and I didn't want revenge. It was a mutual thing. We were toxic for each other. I say some things fall out so good things can fall together because it's true. I...I wasn't happy with my relationship and recently I think I just received a gift from the moon goddess. Something that will actually cause me happiness." I smiled thinking about Adrian.

"Anyways, I'll be taking our last caller of the day," I spoke and nodded at Eddie and he put the caller through.

"Hello, last caller, you're talking to Katherine with True Talk Radio, what's your name and what's on your mind today?" I spoke leaning back into my chair.

"I think people call me Alpha Adrian." His voice flooded through my headphones and I shot up grabbing the mic.

Eddie had almost choked on the doughnut he had been eating and look at me with wide eyes.

"Uh... Alpha, why are you calling?" I asked hesitantly and Adrian chuckled.

"Well, I have this girl and she was supposed to meet me thirty minutes ago to move her stuff into my house." He teased and my eyes shot to the clock.

Dammit! I've done it again.

"Well, she a hard worker." I shot back and he laughed again.

"She is indeed. Katherine, I think you've been ignoring me for long enough today. I'm outside. Come on, we need to get your stuff moved in." He spoke and I covered my face in embarrassment.

I totally was not ignoring him.

You have commitment issues, my subconscious spoke and I growled.

"This is True Talk Radio, bye!" I said quickly and waved my arms frantically at Eddie to end the broadcast and he did so.

How embarrassing. Now everyone knows.

I sighed taking off my headphones and Eddie was quick to walk into my booth.

"Uh, what the hell was that? You're dating the alpha? You're moving in with him?! Wasn't you just with Eric like... three nights ago?" Eddie interrogated and I sighed.

"It's a long story," I said grabbing my purse and phone.

"I have time." He replied and I sighed.

"I don't," I replied brushing past him.

"Katherine-" He started and I turned around sharply.

"He's my mate, okay? Just... don't go around telling everyone." I said glancing around to make sure no one heard me and thankfully it was just us.

"Wow." He replied and I slowly nodded.

"I need to go, he's waiting for me."

"Just one thing before you go, you're going to continue doing the show right?" Eddie asked, concern lacing within his features.

I smiled, "Of course." I spun on my heels and headed to the main entrance and walked out the doors to see him leaning up against his car smirking at me.

"You just had to make a fool of me, didn't you?" I joked walking over to him.

"No, but it's fun. I'm not letting you ditch me, Katherine." He replied with what seems to be his signature smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not ditching you...I just get engrossed with my work." I replied and he cocked his head to the side.

"Are you sure about that? I could feel your uneasiness from a mile away, Kate."

He wasn't wrong.

Truth is...once I reached work I was giddy about moving in with him. Then it shifted to nervousness. What if things didn't work out? What if I moved in and he turns out to be an ass? What if he plans to keep me on the side? Who was that girl from his phone the other night and why the hell was she asking him for a round two? I am not a side hoe. I refuse to be.

She was his past, you're his future, my subconscious spoke and once again I had to remind myself that it was before he knew we were mates.

"You're thinking too much again." He spoke like he was reading my mind.

"I'm just-" He held his hand up.

"If you're worried I'm going to leave you or treat you bad...I would never. You're my mate, Katherine. I was made to practically worship the ground you walk on. Don't degrade yourself like that." My wolf was now howling with pleasure, leaving the corner she had been sulking in.

"Okay," I mumbled and he nodded to his car.

"Let's go get your stuff. Stephanie said she'll watch Ivy until we're done. Just meet me back at Stephanie's house and we'll load the stuff you have there before going to the storage building where the rest is."

"Sounds good." I turned heading towards my car.

"Drive safe." He called out and though he couldn't see it, I had the biggest grin on my face.

He's already protective.


"That's the last of it," I said looking at his car that was filled with boxes.

"So, I have an empty room we can put all this in and you can fix it up how you'd like, or I can give you a room already fixed up and we can put this in storage back at the house?" I thought about it and shrugged.

"Either is fine. My stuff is old anyway. I haven't used it for a few years now. You can donate it to the pack house if you'd like. It's really just kitchen supplies, my old bed, and the living room suite." He nodded.

"That's kind of you." I shrugged.

"It's the least I could do."

In reality, I put it there in case I always needed to have an escape route from my relationship with Eric and find somewhere to run to, but now...I didn't feel like running away.

"Okay, let's head to my house." We got into our cars and I followed him there.

I hummed to some music as we drove deeper into the pack. More houses came into view and we even passed the humungous pack house. Teens were playing football out back having a fun and carefree day. Just wait until you become an adult, I thought dryly.

We eventually pulled up to some gates and a man walked up from his post and noticed me and leaned into Adrian's window. I'm guessing asking who I was and if I could be let in. The man looked back at me once more and then looked back at what Adrian was saying and smiled and waved to another guy to open the gates. The giant gates opened with barely a creak and we followed through, down the long driveway.

House my ass, this was a mansion! I gawked as we parked and Adrian got out and motioned for me to get out as well.

"I have some men that are going to take the cars to the pack house to unload the stuff from storage. Point out which boxes are yours from Stephanie's and they'll take them up to your room as well."

This is really happening.

I'm moving in with my mate.

I think I'm going to throw up. 


Man, I'm on a roll publishing chapters. 

ONE more you will get tonight after this one :)




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