Chapter Thirty-Two|| Plans

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{Katherine's POV}

"I called Alpha Evan since we are close to his territory. It would be normal for Stacy to smell Malevolent pack members because of the closeness. She wants us alone, so we will go alone with no pack members of ours. Evan's men will come to stop her before she can realize it. Hopefully, they'll get there in time before stuff gets too far." Adrian spoke to Clark and some other members.

I sat behind him on the window seat in his office with a sullen expression. I hated this. The fact we had to take such measures to be happy. I knew problems came with his title, but I didn't think it would be anything like this. I knew that I had a plan B that would work if things didn't play in our favor, after all, Alpha Evan isn't the most trustworthy man there is...

"We won't meet with Evan face to face for the fact that Stacy has eyes watching us. She knows our every move as she has proven. We need this to be under the radar as much as possible. This information does not leave this room and the same goes on Evan's end. He knows that his part is crucial to our plan and he has given me his word."

"Why trust Alpha Evan? He hasn't really proven himself to the wolves about honor and trust." Clark spoke with a distaste that was noticeable.

"Evan is a friend of mine. He aided us in war and proved himself then. He's helped Alpha Mason multiple times since then as well. He was a man just like me and Alpha Oliver who got pulled up into this mess. He knows his past was wrong of him and he is trying to prove himself to us, the least we can do is accept that." Adrian growled out.

The room fell silent and the men before Adrian didn't give him any eye contact.

"I'm assuming everyone is on board?" Adrian spoke once more.

"Yes, we are." his third in command spoke up, sending a sharp look to Clark who seemed to almost protest again as if saying 'don't piss him off anymore'.

"Good. You're dismissed."

As the men left the room, Adrian turned to face me. "What's your opinion on this?"

"Whatever you think will get Ivy home quicker is okay with me," I replied and he slowly nodded.

"I think this will work. No one gets hurt and Ivy gets dealt with," he stated.

"I agree."

"Okay now we just need to do the rejection and then reach out to her," he stated hesitantly.

"How do we reach out to her?"

"We put a note in this old mailbox of an abandoned house on our land or something like that. She left the place on the note she sent," he stated and I rolled my eyes.

Of course, she did.

"Let's get on with it," I mumbled, standing to my feet.

"Goddess, I don't want to do this," Adrian stated.

"Well, we have no choice. Get on with it or I will." I hated to be harsh, but lately, I felt that was the only way to get through to him.

He looked pained to even think the words. "I, Adrian Lee, reject you, Katherine Heights, of being my mate," he spoke and as if there some invisible string between us; I felt something snap.

I cried out in pain as I dropped to my knees. I can get through this.

"I'm so sorry." Adrian croaked out and I looked up to see tears in his eyes and I shook my head.

"It's okay." I knew he couldn't comfort me through the pain, it would only cause the bond to start to form again and if we wanted to pull this off the bond needed to be shredded; and that's where I come in.

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