Chapter Thirty-Three|| Aftermath

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{Katherine's POV}

I stood in Adrian and I's room still in a bit of a shock. I didn't die...Stacy did. Adrian nor I killed her...Evan did. Adrian was currently talking with Evan in his office, deciding how they would deal with the situation at hand and address the pack. I personally was for putting her head on a stick and prancing around but apparently, that was a little 'much'.

Ivy was oblivious to the fact she was literally kidnapped, but she was just a child so I understood. I think she was just happy to be back from her 'vacation' away from Adrian.

I didn't know where we would go from here. So much had to be fixed and dealt with. Adrian and I had to be remated. We'd have to remark each other. Stacy's dad will be heartbroken and this would be deemed as unforgivable in his eyes. I wouldn't know what it's like to lose a daughter, but speaking how Adrian reacted when Ivy could have been taken from him...I didn't want to see her dad's reaction.

I knew things were going to be different, I understood that, but it doesn't mean I had to like it. Adrian is going to be pissed at me for what I did: giving myself up like that.

Something crossed my mind and my eyes widened. I wrote a note to Adrian because I thought I wouldn't make it. It's in his office drawer. Stupid! If he finds that he'll know I planned this all along.

I opened the door, walking down to his office trying to come up with a plan to get the note without acting suspiciously. I knocked before entering hearing his husky 'come in' and walked in with a small smile.

"What's up?" he asked as Evan gave me a bored glance before looking back down at some papers in his hands.

"I just needed something," I replied and walked around his desk where he sat as he studied me curiously.

I opened his right drawer and put a blank piece of paper over the note without him noticing and pulled them both out. "I was gonna write a letter to Stacy's dad...figured he deserved an apology and some explaining," I stated and he slowly nodded as if he didn't really believe me.

I wouldn't either...I'm a horrible liar. "I'll let you two get back to your meeting," I mumbled walking to the door before walking back out.

Yep, he was definitely going to question me later.

I sighed, shaking my head and walked into our room. I looked at the note in my hands and read it over once more.

'Dear Adrian, if you're reading this...I most likely didn't come back with you. You have a bright future ahead with leading this pack and no one should get in the way of that, especially Stacy. You deserve to be happy with Ivy. You both deserve to live a great life considering what you've lost. I want you to move on and be happy. I'll always be there in your heart, I know that, but you have to move on. Don't dwell on the past. I love you - Katherine.'

It may not have been the most love felt letter, but I wanted to make my point clear. I guess that point is pretty useless now. I gripped the letter tight in my hands and ripped it apart piece by piece before dropping it in the trashcan.

"What was that?" Adrian asked and I jumped, startled.

"Nothing...just a rough draft of the letter I was writing." Wasn't a total lie.

He looked me over before shaking his head. "I read the letter," he stated and my eyes widened slightly. 


"You wouldn't think I would notice you slipping a note into my desk before we leave to deal with something horrendous?" he asked, taking a step towards me. "I could yell and scream at you for doing something so stupid,'re the reason everything actually worked out well."

"Huh?" I was more than confused.

"I read the letter before we left, and called Evan and explained to him what you planned to do. I knew all along that you were going to give yourself up when we arrived to meet Stacy, and I obviously wasn't going to let that happen. If I wouldn't have known, I would never even let you get those words out of your mouth, Katherine."

Frowning, I realized how it all made sense.

"You waited for me to do that, to catch Stacy off guard...and that's where Evan came in," I mumbled and he nodded.

"You're not getting rid of me that easy, love." I didn't reply as I just stared at him.

"Why would you give yourself up, though?" he stressed. "We could have always made a better plan than Stacy killing you! Did you not think about the long run?! How would it affect me? Or worse, Ivy?! She comes to think of you as a mother, Katherine! And you were just going to let Stacy take a good life from you? Something you deserved speaking of the shit from your past?" I flinched at the words spoken.

I knew he was right.

"I just—"

"You what?! Weren't thinking?!"

"I just thought it would be better than you losing—"

"Nothing is better than me losing the love of my life, Katherine!" He yelled. "Why on earth would you think that could possibly be what's good for—"

"Because I love you!" I screamed, shutting him up. I fisted my hair in my hands turning from him. "I've never loved anyone before, Adrian! This is new to me! I couldn't possibly think of seeing you even more hurt. You were so worried about losing Ivy! I wanted you to be happy and I thought that me doing that would work out in your favor. For once in my life, I didn't think of myself in the long run...I didn't care what happened to me! I cared what happened to you and Ivy...because I love you both...with all my heart." I turned back to face him with tears in my eyes only to find him a foot away from me.

His hands came up cupping my cheeks gently as he seemed to think over his words. "And I admire you for that, but you should have just spoken to me about it. Without you, my life would have become miserable. Even without our bond taunting me at the life I lost...I would become miserable and probably do something that would be worse than anything. Because my love for you is so embedding into my heart even the thought of losing you makes me want to pull my hair out. The nights we lay in the bed and you're sound asleep with your head on my chest, I think how lucky I was to find you. How lucky I am to even be in your presence, Katherine. I think about our future and what it holds. I love you, Katherine, more than you could ever imagine."

His words hurt my heart in more ways than one. Because I realized even though I was trying to be selfless, I ended up being selfish.

Adrian wiped a stray tear from my cheek and leaned forward placing his forehead against mine. "Don't ever forget that," he added and leaned down placing a soft kiss on my lips.

I grasped the front of his shirt in my fist pulling him impossibly closer as if he'd vanish from my touch in seconds. He pulled back, putting his hand at the back of my head and I placed my face into the crook of his neck sobbing.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed out and he only held me tighter in response. 





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