The New Girl

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//A:N// DONE WITH THE COVER!!!! Looky looky!

//A:N// DONE WITH THE COVER!!!! Looky looky!

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And it only took me 26 hours XD. Anyways, ONTO THE STORY, MORTALS!!!!!


Dan and Rin eyed the room, which was devoid of any other life as of the moment. The two snickered, telling each other the story of their first achievement as partners despite both of them having been there, and yet neither seemed to tire of the story.

"Hey, Oku?" Dan asked, his face falling as a blank, deadpanned look overtook his features. Rin raised a brow.

"Yeah?" He asked. Dan pointed towards the clothed and sheathed sword.

"What is that." He asked flatly. Rin stared at him, confused, as he had picked up that Dan was not asking what the object itself was, for it was obvious that it was a sword. What, then, was he truly asking? Realization hit him, and he face palmed.

"I forgot to bring the sword!"


Rin entered his and his brother's bedroom after another excavation, by now doing so with a casual confidence. It had been three weeks since his first mission with Dan, and this far things had been easy. Although living a triple life was something he had difficulty getting used to initially, he had now gotten comfortable with his life's choices.

His grades, while nothing to be bragged over, had improved since how they had been in his last school, but that was mostly attributed to the fact that he now had someone else helping him with the work, someone who was capable of say...looking over the teacher's answer sheet without being detected, even while the said teacher sat not a foot away.

The lights flickered on sharply, startling Rin-and assumedly Dan, who was still on the other side of the door-and causing them both to pause in their tracks. Yukio would normally still be out at this time, had he gotten off early?

"Let night for a stroll. Right, Rin?" Yukio asked firmly, sitting comfortably in a chair adjacent to his bed. Rin's tail shot upwards, fur bristling instantly as he gave a startled, and admittedly comical, squeal.

"Ehh?! Yukio! You're up!" Rin exclaimed, putting on a face of glee. Yukio's face, however, did not change, nor did his lips tilt upwards. The two brothers had been...argumentative in the last few weeks, neither of them really seeming to speak to the other.

"Yes, I am, now explain yourself." Yukio ordered briskly, an air of formality setting between the two.

"I went outside, just like I've always done. You've never had a problem with it before." Rin said, his joyous tones falling as he stared at his sibling with hard eyes. Yukio merely returned the stare, an unseen but definitely felt tension between the two. Dan did nothing, nor did he move. He waited, ever patient, as their silent battle raged on.

"There will be a new student in class tomorrow." Yukio stated, although his eyes never left those of Rin.
"She's the daughter of the woman who sells the herbs, well, they own the main herbal shop in this area. I don't know if there aren't any other herb shops around, but the point is; don't. Mess. With. Her." Yukio told him in a calm, almost commanding tone. Rin smiled to him, though no kindness was in his current mirth. It was almost taunting, and mischief was in his eyes.

"Why? You gotta crush on her?~" Rin coed tauntingly, making a series of obnoxious kissing noises as his brither's face lit up in red flames of embarrassment.

"No! I just sent want you to corrupt her!" Yukio retaliated sharply, loosing his cool in a moment's notice. Rin blinked, surprised, before a look of hurt flashed across his features, blazing in his eyes.

"Corrupt her?" Rin breathed softly. Dan winced at the word choice, but remained silent.
"Do you really think I'm that fucking terrible?!" He asked, almost screaming. Yukio was glaring at him now, not holding back in the slightest.

"Yes. You are, and always have been, a demon. A spawn of Satan. You killed our father, monster." Yukio hissed back, his fingers twitching as he almost reflexively went for his concealed weapon, but he restrained himself in this aspect.

"I DIDN'T KILL THE OLD MAN!!" Rin screamed. This hadn't been the first time they had spoken of this. In fact, he had thought this topic to have been explained and agreed upon by the both of them. Obviously, he was wrong.

"You say that, but where's your proof?" Yukio asked, his calm fury just as intimidating as Rin's open aggression, if not more so. When there was no response, Yukio breathed a huff of victory.
"That's what I thought." He stood from his chair, walking past Rin's tensed form, and out of the room.

"I'm expecting to see you in class tomorrow. Don't disappoint me." Yukio told him firmly, an unspoken threat lingering as the door closed behind him.


"Oku. Hey! Oku!" Dan's voice called as he shook Rin's finally asleep form. He felt as if he hadn't slept at all that night, and he didn't want to get up. He ignored his partner's calls, opting instead to turn onto his side, away from his partner. It was strange, really, how fickle a person could be, how two faced. How, without care, someone could turn their back on all that had been thought of, all that had been built with another person, and leave the foundations of what was once a healthy relationship.
"Oku?" Oh, he and Dan were fine, Dan had done nothing to inquire the wrath of Rin, but then again, there were others that Rin had cared for. He felt....empty. Hollow. Tired.

"You're late for school..."

"Whatever. It's not like I need it to kill Satan." Rin responded bitterly, scowling into his pillow. Dan looked on, concerned.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked carefully. Rin didn't respond, merely glared at the wall.
"...I'll go get you breakfast..." Dan spoke, stepping away from his partner and moving down to the empty cafeteria. Over the last three weeks, Dan had aquatinted himself quite well with the building, even going so far as declaring a room neighboring Rin's as his own.

In the cafeteria, where the kitchen met the other, larger room, two trays of prepared-by now almost cold-food lay, awaiting them.


"Okumura Rin?" The teacher called, glancing to his seat. He frowned, noticing the adolescent to be missing, and marked him as-

"Here!" Rin suddenly called, smashing through the opened door and tumbling in. Laughter, mocking and innocent and malicious and cruel, erupted. He stood, a slight blush of embarrassment hearing his face, as he walked towards his desk, not looking at any of his fellow classmates.

A girl with aqua marine eyes giggled, covering her mouth with one hand as a vain attempt to stifle her laughter. Rin walked past her, ignoring the jeers of his ruder classmates.

"Ah, Okumura-kun, how nice of you to join us." The teacher told, flashing a glance at his other students as a silent command for their silence. With that, he continued attendance.
Dan grumbled in annoyance, taking a seat on the ground, his normal spot having been taken up.

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