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As we edge closer and closer to our destination, Kuro asks, "And why are we going to see that creep."

"I need some supplies," I say not even turning my attention to him. "We're here." Kuro and I gaze up at the seemingly normal looking warehouse. We walk over to the guarded entrance and the guards stop us from entering and ask, "Password?" I heavily sigh, "(Y/n)."

"You may enter." We both enter the warehouse as the doors close behind us. "I won't even ask," Kuro says, referring to the password. "Yeah, please don't," I say, smiling faintly. I take the lead, slowly speeding to the door that holds my provider on the other side. My knock on the out-of-place wooden door echoes throughout the slightly loud building.

"Come in," We walk in the somewhat cozy office like room and shut the door behind us. Hitoshi slowly looks up at us and stops when his eyes meet mine. A devious smirk slowly plasters on his face. "Ahh, (Y/n) welcome. What have you come here for?"

"I need some..." 

"Some what?"

"Some supplies Hitoshi. You know I come to refill my supply each month to give to my customers."

"Oh yeah. Guess I forgot. Why can't you just see me when there's no business involved? It could just be on-"

"Friendly terms? No, I'm good. Now can I have my refill." I see Hitoshi look over my left shoulder but I don't bother to look until I hear Kuro grunt.

"Kuro?" I see him lying on the floor in pure pain. All of a sudden, I feel a sharp pain in the side of my neck as my vision spots with black. "D-damn you H-Hitoshi." Then, all I see is darkness.


We both walk through his tremendously large garden in silence. The silence isn't awkward but it's calm and peaceful."So, uuhh Mr. Hitoshi? Why did you help us? No one has ever done so before and if they did it would be for...cruel reasons." He doesn't answer until we reach a wooden bench. He gestures for me to sit. I hesitantly accept. He or I guess Hitoshi, sits to the left of me. Once I get a good look at him, I notice that he doesn't look too bad. He has silky brown hair that's dark to point where you would think it's black. His features are soft and alluring. And those eyes... they're a dark red? It almost looks unnatural so I assume that they're just contacts. His body is kind of lean with a tint of muscle.

Before I get to admire him even more, He speaks,"I already told you. I did it because I'm a nice person." I furrow my brows slightly but decide not to say anything. "So, kid, tell me about yourself."

"My name is (Y/n), not kid. I'm thirteen years old and I have a little sister who's ten years old. Her name is Nanami." He chuckles for some unknown reason.

"Well, it's nice to meet you (Y/n). I'm Hitoshi and I'm 17 years old. I don't have any siblings and my father and mother are...no longer with us," He says with a sad smile.

"Sorry to hear that," I say softly. Hitoshi nods.

"So, (Y/n), tell me more about yourself."

"Like what?"

"Let's start with...your favorite color!"

"Ummm...I guess it's (F/c)."

"Hmm, okay. When's your birthday?"

"It's...hold on...(B/day)!" 

"Okay, any questions you want to ask me?" I stare at him for a few moments until I decide to respond. "Nope," I say while popping the 'p'. He dramatically gasps which causes me to giggle. 

"Alright, let's go back inside." I nod in response.

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