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For the past week, I've been in my room which is bad since I usually take my pills when I'm feeling depressed. I haven't this entire week and these thoughts I'm having are really starting to affect me. Why do I have to be cursed with hells' burden? It makes no sense to me. Anyways, sometimes I would hear Kuro scratch on my door and ask me if I want to do something with him to cheer me up. Of course, I declined his offer, even though I felt bad about it. And for Nanami... she would ask me if I was going to school or if she wanted me to go shopping with her. Even get some groceries. How conceited can you get?

I hear someone knock on my door.

"Hey (Y/n), are you alright? You haven't come out your room for a week now," Kuro says worriedly.

I sigh. Perhaps I should get up and go hang out with him. I feel bad for avoiding him because he's done nothing to upset me. So, I slowly get out of my bed and head for the door. I wrap my small hand around the handle and start to open it. I'm greeted by the towering Kuro.

His eyes widen at my dishevelment and quickly turn back to their bored state. I finally decide to break the silence since it's overwhelming me.

"Hey Kuro," I give him a forced smile. I really wasn't too happy at the moment. I need to take my pills before I do something that he won't like.

"What's wrong?" I notice him staring at my arms and I quickly try to hide them behind my back. I forgot that I started cutting again. Since I only had a tank top on, my arms were uncovered. I quickly walk past him to the bathroom. Before I get to the bathroom door, Kuro grabs my wrist. I try to pull away from him but he's way too strong. 

"Let me go Kuro,"I tell him sternly but the only thing I got back from him was a rough pull to his side. I start to struggle in his grip and plead for him to let me go but it's as if he's in some type of trance.

"What's wrong with him? Why is just staring at me? Why is he being so...protective?" 

I finally manage to slip an arm out of his grasp. I push him as hard as I can, which effectively works because it snaps him out of his little trance. "Kuro if you're worried about my arms then don't be," I reassure him.

He reluctantly nods and walks back into the living room. Tears start to fall down my face but I'm not too sure as to why they were. Even so, I swiftly wipe them away and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.


After getting out of the shower and taking my pills, I decided to talk to Kuro. I usually spend time with him even though it seems that he doesn't enjoy my company. In all reality, I bet he does enjoy it but doesn't want to show it. I walk in happily while wearing a royal blue, long-sleeved sweater and black leggings with dark-blue polka dots on them. Kuro doesn't acknowledge me so I go up behind him and pull him into a hug. I feel him tense in my touch but I don't, and neither does he, pull away. I start ruffling his hair and say, "Thanks for worrying about me Kuro. It means a lot." He shifts in my hug so I decide to let him go but with a bright smile on my face. 

He looks back at me and blushes slightly. "No problem," He says while turning around. I begin to giggle at his adorable reaction. "Let's play a video game Kuro. I'm feeling up to it!" I cheer while dancing in front of him. 

He nods. "Ok, what game are we playing?"

"Super Smash Bros.! I haven't played that in a while!" I grin. Kuro then replies with, "Yeah a game I'll easily beat you at." I begin to glare at him and then retort, "Oh really? We'll see about that."


You finally made it to the last round, tied 2 to 2. Kuros' cocky attitude made you beat him but was also your downfall in the other two rounds. "Alright, Kuro. Ready to get your ass whooped?" You ask boastfully, making him look up at you with a smirk. You were currently standing up because sitting down wasn't an option when you were competing. Especially when a bet's been made. The bet is: the loser has to do anything the winner says. "(Y/n), you're not going to win. It's going to be your ass that's getting whooped," He states turning back to the Tv as the round begins to start.

For some reason, Kuro stood his lazy ass up beside you and turned to you. He hesitated but soon smashed his lips on yours, completely distracting you from the game. You soon kiss back, but then hear 'Winner!'.  You look at Kuro with shocked eyes from the kiss and his victory. He smirks deviously at you but even shocked at himself of what he did. All he wants is you and he doesn't know why. 

"W-WHAT THE HELL KURO?!" You shout. "D-did you just kiss me?! And make me lose?" Your face starts to flush with a dark red. 

"Yep, I sure did." He says with a cocky expression. "I guess it's time for you to do what I say, you troublesome girl."

A/n- That's the end of this chapter.

I want to know if any of you would like me to make a 


I already have the main characters' story but I wanna know if you'll like to read it.

All the other SERVAMPS and EVES (That I know) will be in it.

Misono, Lily, Tetsu, Kuro, Hugh, Mahiru, Tsubaki and etc.

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