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I slowly open my eyes and almost immediately wince because of the bright light that attacks me and my pounding headache. I try to sit up but get pulled back down because of arms wrapped around my waist. I reluctantly turn my head to see the one and only Hitoshi. Last nights events came back to me like a strong gust of wind. 

I try to push him off of me but my body feels extremely weak and heavy. "G-get off of me!" I yell. His eyes shoot open and then he grins."Goodmorning (Y/n)," He says while leaning closer to me. I assume that it's for a kiss and lean back.

"No, it's not a good morning now get off of me!"

"Why is it not a good morning?" He asks with a fake pout.

"Well, first of all, I woke up next to you. Second of all, I feel like absolute shit. Third of all, I wish I woke up in my own bed and not yours. Now can you get off of me?"

Hitoshi sighs at my stubbornness and finally lets me go. He then gets off the bed and walks over to the bathroom that's in his room. I kick my heavy legs off the bed and try to stand up but fall from the shakiness and weight of my body. Hitoshi hears this and comes out the bathroom using his vampire speed. He picks me up and lays me back on the bed. I try struggling but nothing, at the moment, works to my advantage.

All of a sudden, my body starts to heat up and I start profusely sweating. "W-what i-is going o-on with m-my body." Hitoshi looks down at me with a worried expression but once he starts to speak, that's when I find out he's faking his concern for me. This is why I hate him.

"Hmmm...I think it might be the distance limit!" He exclaims with excitement. I glare at him. 

'Is he really enjoying this shit?'

"W-what the hell are you t-talking about?! W-what distance limit?!" I shout hoarsely. 

"Didn't your Servamp tell you?" 

"Tell me w-" Before I get to finish my sentence, he cuts me off.

"Ssshhh. Don't interrupt me again." 

I begin to interject, "D-don-" but he puts his hand around my neck and starts to tighten his grip.

"I said. Don't interrupt me again. Now like I was trying to say, a Servamp and its Eve cannot be separated for more than twenty-four hours. Do you wanna know why?"

I stare up at him, dead in the eyes, and say, "What happens." It comes out more as if I'm scared than confident which seems to have amused Hitoshi.

"You die," He says very sinisterly. My eyes widen and then I ask, "H-how long has it been?"

"Only about...six hours or so," He says oddly cheerfully while walking around the room. I sigh in relief, "So w-why do I feel like this?"

"They're just symptoms, babe." My breathing starts getting ragged because of my current condition and because of Hitoshi calling me babe. He has no right to call me that. I don't even know why I'm even talking to him.

"D-don't call me that."

"Call you what, babe?"

"Don't call me babe. I don't like it."

"Why n-" He smugly starts but I stop him.

"You'll call me by name, Hitoshi."

"I don't think you understand the situation you're in, (Y/n)," Hitoshi says as he walks over to me.

"You're vulnerable right now, your body is weak. I can easily take advantage of you right now."

"You wouldn't dare," I say, my voice laced with anger.

"Oh, I would (Y/n). I'll do whatever I want to you and do it whenever I want to."

~Kuro's P.O.V.

I don't know why but I feel a little empty without her. I'm ashamed of myself for not getting up and saving (Y/n). I can sense her getting weaker by the minute. Right now I'm going in the direction that guy, I'm assuming Hitoshi, took her. I can feel her 'eve aura' getting stronger which means she's close. 

I walk up to big gates that surround a mansion."(Y/n)'s in there," I whisper to myself. "How troublesome," I sigh lazily before transforming into my cat form and walking between the bars of the gates. I walk around the outside of the mansion to find out where (Y/n)'s the closest. She's here.

I poof back into my vampire form and quickly fly up to a window of a room. I kick it making it shatter. I stand on the window sill and see (Y/n) laying on a bed sweating and unconscious. I jump off the windowsill and run up to her. I lift her up into my arms and run up to the window. I get ready to jump out when that Hitoshi guy runs in as shocked as ever. I give him a death glare and start flying home.  

A/n- This chapter was kinda bad but I passed my week deadline. I usually put up a chapter every seven days. Sorry for the delay.

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