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A pain-inducing light seeps through my eyelids, causing me to wake up with a small wince. 

The light finally dies down and my eyes slowly adjust to the environment around me. It's the same place I was at before I blacked out but gloomier and darker. It leaves me wondering to where the hell that bright light came from.

Looking around, I actually notice that it's raining. I guess my awareness was elsewhere since I can't feel the rain.

All of a sudden, I hear ragged breathing and rapid footsteps coming closer to the clearing. They're light but clear...they're the ones of a child. Two children it sounds like.

I look over in the direction of the movement. The sight makes my eyes widen slightly. 

It's little Nanami and me. Around this point in time, I was the age of nine and Nanami was five. 

They both look pretty battered and since it's raining, they're both soaking wet.

The two of them start to slow down when they reach the clearing. They walk over to the bench and sit down, the rain causing them to visibly shiver. I begin to walk over to them, wanting to help, but stop when I remember that this is only a memory. My eyes stare at the duo with a sad gaze.

In the corner of my eye, I see a black cat walking up to the sisters. The obvious answer to both me and younger me, that this black cat is Kuro. Well, Sleepy Ash.

He hops onto old me's lap, curling up into a ball and pretty much asking to be pet. (Y/n) complies and soon, so does Nanami. 

The rain starts to die down and the two girls drift off to sleep along with Sleepy Ash.

I feel strong wind being blown and the scene of the sleeping kids and cat unfocuses like it was fast-forwarding.

The sudden change causes me to yelp, "Oh-!"

Then, the scene changes to the morning. "That was interesting..."

My attention turns back to the girls when I hear yelling in the distance. Little (Y/n) seems to jolt awake from the yelling. She looks to be groggy at first but then jumps up and shakes Nanami to wake her up.

"Nanami! Nanami wake up! We have to go!" She pleads until Nanami wakes up also with a jolt.

"What's going on (n/n)?"

"We have to go. They're coming!" This fully wakes up Nanami and she quickly gets off the bench. "What about him?" Nanami asks, staring at the sleeping black cat.

"We have to leave him. He'll be fine, now let's go!" Nanami nods. They start running off into the distance, leaving both me and Sleepy Ash behind.

The scene fast-forwards to them living on the streets, then being taken in by strangers, running, stealing, and repeat. Their hardships, my hardships, zooms and zooms until it comes to a stop of when we met Hitoshi. It zooms to the most recent ones. Me and Kuro playing games together, eating, arguing. Nanami and I fighting, playing, eating.

In the end of all of the fast-forwarding, I see my death. Not in my eyes, not in Kuro's eyes, and not in Nanami's. I'm in a spectator's eyes, watching from above.

I guess this was all because it's time...

It's time for what exactly?

It's time to wake up...


A/n- Terrible chapter I know😶Anyways, In the next chapter you'll be up and kicking again😎You're gonna be a newborn baby😁

Also~ This story might have a few more chapters before it ends🤪It's kinda exciting that it's ending...weird.

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