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I see a shining white dot in the black abyss ahead of me. Walking to it desperately, the dot gradually gets bigger. 

I quicken my pace until I'm only a few feet away from it. The 'it' isn't exactly a dot. 

It's a door. 

A bright golden and white door. Though the door is extremely dazzling, I don't even squint. Instead, I get closer and wrap my fingers around the doorknob. The comforting warmness from the doorknob flushes my body with heat. The heat isn't overbearing though, it's just right.

So, I twist the knob unhurriedly, pretty much basking in the warmth the door provides. But, I don't get to for long because the door bursts open, sending me back a couple of feet in the process.

I curse under my breath, "Shit."

Standing up while keeping my eyes on the door I say, "What the hell was that?" But what I see on the other side of the door stops me.

On the other side of the door is, "Kuro..."

I hastily get back up and run through the threshold.


My eyes spring open as I stare at the blue-haired vampire. Kuro's currently laying with his head on my stomach but when I shift a little, he jolts up.


A gentle smile graces my lips, "Yep, that's me." He pulls me into a hug and I tense up. Then, I started to melt into the hug. "Kuro, I would love to stay like this but you're basically squishing me."

He pulls away sheepishly, "S-sorry..."

"It's okay. Anyways, what happened? I- I thought I died." He hesitates before saying, "I turned you into my subclass..."


He sighs, "How troublesome...they're vampires created by Servamps. I gave you my blood right before you died." I let the information sink in, "Oh..."

"How are you Kuro? What about Nanami? How is she?"

"Ugh...You're such a pain. Don't worry about us."



It's been 6 days since Nanami and I have been discharged. Also, it has been 6 days since I have been a subclass of Sleepy Ash freely. I have to say that nothing has really changed except for my eyes. Sleepy Ash said that I might get a power of some sort but, like I said before, nothing has happened.

Recently, me and my sister have started packing. I decided that it's time to start anew and leave this place.

Leaving this place behind also means leaving the memories and people behind as well.

There will be some good memories left here and most definitely some bad. There will also be good people left here...and some bad. 

Mainly bad but whatever!

So, we plan on moving away from Japan altogether and living in the U.S. 

Nanami was a bit hesitant at first because she didn't want to leave her friends but she understands that a new start is needed. 

We'll be leaving in a week. I want to get this done as soon as possible.

It's not like I don't have the money for it anyways. Meaning I'm not taking any of the furniture. It came with the apartment but it's mine to keep if I want. I already rented out a nice two-story house and bought the furniture we need which should be heading to our new home in a couple of weeks. 

Now, all we have to do is to finish packing our things, which is only a few bags, and then say goodbye.

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