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"Why can't you get it through your thick skull Hitoshi?!" I shout. "I'm not going with you! You're just...the plug! Okay?!" I storm over to Nanami and grab her wrist. "We're leaving," I say as I drag her roughly being fully enraged. Once I walk past him, he grabs my shoulder and pulls me towards him and pushes Nanami away. 

"What the fu-" I was cut off by him biting down on my neck. 'Damn it hurts.' He doesn't let go. He's trying to make me faint. I figure this out and grab my handy switchblade out of my pocket. I stab him in his side and he fumbles back in pain. I grab my neck and back up into,"Huh? Kuro..." I look up at him and he looks down at me with a blank expression.

I turn to Nanami who seems to be pretty dazed about what just happened. I walk over to her, "Are you okay?" She doesn't respond. I start to talk again but I get distracted by Kuro getting stabbed by Hitoshi from trying to protect me. I turn to face Hitoshi, "What the hell is your problem?!"

"All I want is you, baby, now come with me." I exhale and peek behind me. I give Kuro a wink and his eyes get wide for a second. I mouth: you know the plan, to him and he gives a slight nod. I turn back around and start to walk up to Hitoshi. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his around my waist.

"You finally gave in...good girl," He says with a sarcastic tone. I get close to his ear and whisper, "Not just yet." He tenses up and I feel something pierce my skin, but it wasn't Hitoshi. It was Kuro. 'Damn this shit really hurts. I don't think I'll ever get used to this.'


A chain appears that connects (Y/n) and Kuro. (Y/n) pushes herself off of Hitoshi and staggers backward. Kuro grabs her before she hits the ground and sits her down on the bench. 

"You're so troublesome I could just die," Kuro says with an irritated tone. (Y/n) rolls her eyes at the comment. 

"So what should we do with him?" He asks.

"Just knock him out," She says exhaustedly. Kuro nods and turns to Hitoshi. He seems to be frightened by the look Kuro sends his way. In a swift move, Kuro snaps his neck which makes (Yn) and Nanami flinch.

Hitoshi's body drops to the ground lifelessly. (Y/n) stands up while holding her neck and says,"Let's go home."

~The Next Day: Nanami's P.O.V.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I set for it to go off a bit earlier than it usually does. I want to avoid  (Y/n) as much as possible. I had my suspicions about what she was doing, but hearing it and having proof completely throws me off. I'm disappointed in her.

"That felt nice," I moan while hopping out the shower. Then, I grab my towel and start to dry myself off. I make my way to my bedroom and close the door behind me.

Once I finish putting on my clothes and shoes, I grab my bag and jacket and walk out of our place. I make sure to close and lock the door behind me. After that, I start heading to school.

'There goes the dismissal bell'. I walk over to my best friend Izumy.

"Hey, Izumy!"

"Oh hi Nanami. What's up?" Izumy says with a goofy grin.

"Can I come and stay at your place," I ask sheepishly.

"Yeah! I love having my best friend over, what time are you coming?" 

"I was thinking...right now." Her silence from my statement starts giving me uneasiness. Then, her face starts getting all gloomy lookin'. She starts to speak, "I think... That's fine!" 

"Heeeeyy, don't trick me like that," I pout.

"Sorry Nan-chan, but I love teasing you," She says while flicking my nose. "Alright let's head out."


My phone keeps going off. It's because of (Y/n), she keeps texting and calling me. I don't want to answer her calls, I'm not in the mood to face or talk to her.

"Why don't you answer your phone Nan-chan?" Izumy asks with concern in her voice. "I'm sure (Y/n) is worried about you."

"I don't care. I'm not ready to answer her calls."

Izumy sighs,"You don't have to talk to her about what you're upset over. Just, at least, tell her that you're safe." 

I finally give into Izumy's persistence. "Fine. I'll tell her that I'm at your house," I say in a defeated tone. 

"Great!" Izumy gives me a warm hug. "Alright Nan-chan, now that that's over with, let's talk about some sexy pieces of meat!"

"Awe Izumy! Why do you keep bringing this subject up? I don't like him."

"Yes, you do! There's no need to deny it~"

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