Chapter 3

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-8 years later-

Kaito is now nine. He has grown up training under the seven swordsmen and learned how to use their swords since he could pick one up.(A/N Kaito will have similar skills to Mangetsu in this fic) It was time for him to take the genin exams for Kirigakure. His father had warned Kaito of what the exams entailed but he persisted. He would take the exams with or without his father's permission.

The day had finally come. The day where Kaito believed he would prove himself to his father although he already had. His dedication to getting stronger, even as a toddler had always impressed Zabuza. At the moment Kaito was getting ready for the exams today. He started by putting on a black muscle tank top with standard black shinobi pants. He added leg and arm warmers. Lastly, he bandaged his face and sheathed his zanbato shōgekiha (or shockwave) on his back. (A/N imagine a young Zabuza with blonde hair, blue eyes, and whiskers)As he put the final touches on his clothing Zabuza entered his son's room. He asked one last time "Are you sure this is what you want?" His son nodded sincerely. "Welp no turning back now." Kaito thought as his father led him out of his room.

He walked into the dining room only to be surprised by his family. Yes, family, you heard me right. he adopted the rest of the seven as aunts and uncles or a brother in Chōjūrōs case. They a greeted him with smiles.

After a light breakfast, the group of eight headed to the arena where the test (or massacre) would take place. As the family walked down the street all other civilians shied away with fearful looks on their faces.

The group arrived at the arena and split. Kaito to the student room and his family to the viewing area. The field was in front of them behind a pane of glass. So to prevent blood spatter over the audience.

After 5 minutes all the students came out of a door in the wall and stood in a circle getting ready to slaughter past friends and foes, neither of which Kaito had. As the students slipped into fighting stances Kaito just sat atop the hilt of his zanbato which was lodged in the ground. He tensed as the proctor yelled out "Hajime!" Then shuunshined to the safe area.

Kaito and Zabuza-a Naruto ficWhere stories live. Discover now