Chapter 4

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A/N I just want too thank everyone for reading, it makes me warm and fuzzy on the inside.


      The proctor had just given the signal to go. All the other children stared at each other until a blonde boy made the first move. He jumped off his zanbato and swiftly pulled it out from its earthen sheath. He quickly turned into a whirlwind of destruction as blood spattered the glass panes protecting the audience. This went on for another 5 minutes until the proctor announced the winner to be Kaito Momochi.

    As the dust settled the crowd came to view a boy covered in crimson liquid smirking like a fox behind his bandages. The first to react was the boy's father, Zabuza Momochi, who stood and started clapping. Slowly the other swordsmen started clapping too. which led the rest of the arena to follow. Although with very fearful expressions. One common thought ran through all their heads "This boy is like a mini Zabuza, shit." The Mizukage presented Kaito with his Hitai-ate. Kaito tied the forehead protector around his head just like his father did, and for once the world saw Zabuza smile.


A/N Sorry its so short guys...

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