Chapter 24

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"Oh wow you finally recognize me"

kaito was livid, he could barely stand to be in the same village as the hokage and now he was a few meters away. Minato was about to step forward, but kushina pulled him back.

"Minato, stop he easily subdued me and my team and I don't want you to get hurt"

"Screw that kushina this brat has insulted me and my skills as a ninja. Naruto i challenge you to a duel, I win you come back to konohagakure."

" It's Kaito, And if I win you leave me and my family-the fuck alone. No more interventions from the idiots of konoha."

-time skip 2 days-

The joint squad was sitting in the arena waiting for the hokage when the mizukage came to kaito.

"Kaito my boy are you sure you want to do this? You are strong but the hokage is not someone to play with."

"Im sure mizuage-sama, he may be hokage but after my time with the serpents i will be prepared."

"Alright kid, but be careful, lay down the winners terms before the battle starts"

It was at that point minato walked into the arena like he was the king of everyone. Suddenly the arena was packed with nin from all nations mainly konoha and kiri. Kakashi hatake jumped into the arena from above and called minato and kaito down.

Minato was already there and kaito disappeared and reappeared in the arena. Minato tried to hold back his shock but the joint team and zabuza could see it. Kakashi stepped into the middle and asked

"We fight to death agreed?" kaito asked with a gleam in his eyes

"Of course"

"Are both nin ready?"

He got a nod from minato and a psychotic grin from kaito.

As he brought his arm down to start the match he jumped away to avoid the damage that was sure to come.

The two ninja stood still for a moment before minato disappeared in a hiraishin. Obviously kaito expected this and blocked every punch and kick thrown his way, he was thanking kurama in his head for his advanced senses and reflexes. After the hiraishin wore out kaito turned to minato and let his eyes turn red and slit, his bandaged were destroyed in the chakra wave that came out. Minato was thrown back but got up fast. He looked shocked at the true beast before him. Kaito followed the chakra wave with a barrage of water bullets formed mid-air. They mostly hit minato a few were dodged and few into the crowd, causing little explosions of dust, minato was basically blind. Kaito then teleported behind him and grabbed him in a chokehold, but minato escaped because of his larger size. Kaito then retreated as minato started forming a rasengan, he pulled shoegekiha off his back and brought it up to cross guard his body. As minato released the rasengan in kaitos direction, he sped all the way around minato, it looked like a hurricane of blood. There was a huge puddle of red below minato. He was starting to tire. Kaito seemed to be running a little slower but only a few noticed. Minato ran back still bleeding to barrage kaito with tri pronged kunai. Kaito dodged most but one hit it's mark right in his stomach. He laughed and ripped it out

"Old man you do realize i hold the kyuubi, no mere kunai will stop me" he yelled with a grin on his face.

Kaitos eyes lost focus on what was in front of him, the red chakra surrounding him took shape into a kyuubi, and he yelled

"kuchiyose no-jutsu"
From kaitos blood rose a 30 ft sea serpent.

"Massterr what do you require of me? Isss it to kill this tiny sshinobi?"

"Absolutely hakari, can you grab him for me? This should be fairly easy."

Hakari had to reach her tail out and wrap it around minato to hold him, but she was successful.

Kaito strolled casually up to minato pointing shoegekiha at him.

"So old man it seems you lost any last words"

"I am sorry I left you, but you have to understand w-"

He was cut of by a blade through his neck

"Ugh hakari, he was annoying, you want a snack"

"No masster the man ssmellsss like he hassnt bathed in dayssss"

"Agreed hakari do you want to go?"
"No ill stay"

With that hakari shrunk down to the size of a constrictor and wrapped herself around kaito. At that haiku jumped into the arena and shuunshined away with kaito in his arms. The combo squad laughed and shook their heads.

-skip 4 hours-

Kakashi hatake was always a family man, but when he found minato had abandoned his godson he was livid. He did all he could to find him but was constantly unsuccessful. After minato died he dug around to find where kaito was staying, he wanted to meet his last true family.

He walked up to an inn and to the front desk,

"Is kaito momochi here, we need to talk?"

A/N hey guys super sorry for the hiatus but my writing took a backseat while I took finals and then I didnt have free time until now, so here it is, Kakashi has been introduced, what will kaito do? be here next time to find out. also minato dead that's nice. btw kaito and haiku totally fuck after the match, you know it, I know it we all know it. I cant write lemon so imagine it. byeeee

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