Chapter 11

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A/N WELCOME BACK EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was gonna update this past Saturday but I went to warped tour and fell asleep right when I got home, sorry. ENJOY!

-day of the chuunin exams-

Team gaara and team kaito made their way too the academy where the first part of the exams would take place. After arriving on the second floor and seeing a weak genjutsu placed to make genin think this was the third floor they sighed and headed up one more flight of stairs. They arrived at the real testing room and looked around scouting for potential threats. All they found was a decently powered hyuuga boy. Kaito snaked his hand around hakus waist and growled lowly as the other genin starred as they walked into the room fully. The genin quickly turned away at the KI leaking from the masked blonde. Haku chuckled and just kissed kaito calming him quickly. Team gaara was a tick shocked but them along with zabuza and shizue had known it would happen eventually, with all the time kaito and haku spent together when younger. Team kaito turned back to the door and waited, as if expecting something to happen. A few seconds later team seven burst through in a heap. Team kaito recognized two out of the three. As kaito had killed the pinkette the team needed a new member. As the team stood and dusted themselves off the two who had been on the kiri mission saw kaito and haku and tensed visibly before trying to attack the two kiri shinobi. Their attacks were stopped midway through the air as they saw a wall of sand rise between them and kaito and haku. "Why did you do that gaara? I would've had an excuse to fight them if they started it." kaito whined. All of teams gaara and kaito sweat dropped at this, then haku turned to kaito and smashed his lips against the blondes bringing him out of the psychotic state kaito sometimes wound up in when he got really annoyed or tired. After kaitos small psychotic break the instructor barged into the room and had the genin sit. After that he handed the testing papers out. Nearly every genins eyes widened. The proctor gave the rules. "You start off with ten points for each question you get wrong you lose one. Every time you are caught cheating you will be deducted two points. If you get caught 5 times you will be disqualified. After the test is over there is a tenth question, more will be revealed after the main portion." at this the genin shuffled to work. As others struggled over to hard questions teams gaara and kaito both had figures out that the test was to test information gathering skills. Shizue being the smartest one here had known all the answers. Gaara had made a small pile of sand on shizues desk which she wrote the answers in. after she did that he relayed them to the rest of their teams. After all six of them had the answers they waited patiently for the exam to finish. Only after multiple teams being disqualified for being caught did the exam end. The proctor started explaining the tenth question "this is the last question and the only one that will count. If you get it right great you go on to the next stage. If you get it wrong you can never take the exams again. But if you opt out now you will be allowed a retake in six months." all kaito did was fix a look at his comrades and boyfriend that said if they did anything that inclined they wanted out kaito would punish them himself. After about half the class left kazumi the redheaded brat decided to convince the other teams to stay and take the question. Little did the baka know that this would make it harder on his own team.

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