Chapter 22

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As kaito walked back to the squads seats, Haku met him halfway and jumped into his arms and kissed him long. As they separated he was swarmed by the rest of the group and hugged. After he was released-his face was blue- zabuza walked over and grinned.

"You did great gaki! All thanks to my teaching I suppose?" He jested.

"Really tou-san I have you to thank. If you hadn't picked me up in that forest all those years ago, I probably wouldn't even be alive. So thank you." Kaito said his voice cracking a few times.

Kushina walked over and kaito sighed.

" I thought I told you, that you weren't my mother. You can't try and come into my life now so suddenly."

Tears gathered in her eyes and she started yelling.

"Why won't you just accept me as your mother you demon! Why would you choose this hard headed criminal over me?"

"Because you left me in a forest not even an hour after I was born. And you call me a monster."

"What is going on here?" Asked a voice. Kaito turned around to see Minato standing there.

A/N cliffhangerrrrrrr. Have fun waiting for this! Thanks for reading. If anyone has any plot suggestions I'm open to anything. I am not sure if I will do the Oto invasion or not I'll keep that in the air.

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