Chapter 17

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It was the day of the third round and the joint team had arrived at the stadium to see many notable faces, all of the kage, the land of water and land of fire daimyo and many jounin as well as the genin who failed the prelims. Zabuza walked up to them and wished them all good luck before shuunshining back to the kage box as he was the mizukages guard.

The first match opponents were called to the arena, Haku and Kazumi. Before Haku could jump down Kaito grabbed him and pulled him into a passionate kiss. After haku jumped down all the ninja, except the joint squad and zabuza, stared at him. He called out "the match is starting, I'd watch it if i were you. you might actually learn something."

Kazumi stood in a simple taijutsu stance and Haku stood there calm as ever. "How did you get so tall idiot?" Kazumi called to haku, Haku just said nothing and stared down his opponent, which freaked kazumi out. Haku suddenly started rapidly forming hand signs and called out Hyoton: kori no ryu no jutsu and a large dragon made of ice came and shot at kazumi. It was so fast she was unable to avoid it and took the blast head on, the dragon shattered as it hit the ground and the ice spread over the entire arena. Haku started making hand signs again and called out Hyoton: Kotta kotai no jutsu the ice started crawling up kazumi's legs and she started to panic. The more she struggled the faster the ice rose, the ice stopped at her neck and kazumi's eyes were wild and her teeth were chattering. The proctor hayate called the match with haku as the winner. Haku then called back his jutsu and kazumi was free, cold but free. Haku used a mirror to teleport to kaito and then pulled kaito into a kiss the rest of the joint team-along with zabuza-started wolf whistling and teasing the couple. Kaito just bared his sharp teeth and glared at them which shut them up fast. He smirked and summoned water orbs above their heads with serpent hatchlings inside and dropped them, lets just say they were not happy.

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