Chapter 9

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A/N thanks for reading guys sorry about the wait. extra summer classes suck (let it be known, my parents somehow coerced me into taking them.) ENJOY!!!!!

Shizue was walking down the streets of Yugakure(village hidden in hot water) as she felt two familiar chakra signatures behind her. The kunoichi straightened her back and walked back to her accommodations, knowing her tailers would follow her back.

As soon as the two shinobi stepped through the door shizue had both of them trapped in a tight hug. "What are you doing here kaito, haku?" kaito signaled haku to retell the events from yesterday. "Of course i'll join your genin team! I want to scope out other shinobi as well." both boys smiled at their sister in all but blood. "Yay! Nii-san wants to work with us!" haku semi squeaked. Kaito just smiled behind his mask and placed an arm around hakus waist. Shizune raised an eyebrow and asked "when the hell did this happen? I was away for two months and you two finally decide to stop messing around and get together?!?" kaito smirked then chuckled as he grabbed both of the others arms and shuunshined away from the old apartment.

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