Chapter 12

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After the remaining teams were released they were sent to the forest of death for the next exam. Kaito said the proctor smelled like snake and his friends and lover stood at attention because when kaito smelt snake there was something bad going on. As the teams stood in their respective gates with their scrolls, teams kaito and gaara were at two gates next to each other. Both kaito and gaara nodded at each other gaara's sand tapping on kaitos skin in morse code, telling him to meet them outside the main tower.

-time skip 1.5 hours-

The sand and mist teams stood next to each other outside the tower. Both gaara and kaito opened their scrolls at the same time. This caused zabuza to pop up. Both teams bowed respectfully at their joined sensei.

As the two teams entered the tower together a heavy gaze fell upon them. The teams turned and came face to face with kushina, the jounin sensei of team seven, she looked furious. "Why are these three murderers taking part in the chuunin exams!!" she shrieked. Causing kaito haku and the rest to plug their ears with their pinkies. Might Gai stepped up behind kushina and asked "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MURDERERS? THESE YOUNG GENIN ARE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF YOUTHFULNESS!!!!" this caused kushina to turn and say "that one killed sakura while those two killed the townspeople of kirigakure." as she pointed to each shinobi respectively. "We were on a mission from our mizukage, he told us to kill the bridge builder tazuna and anyone that got in our way." kaito said simply. "But you are genin, why are you killing at this age, no less rank." asuma butted in. "have you not heard of kiri's graduation exam?" at this all of the jounin in the room shook their heads. Kaito sighed "this will take a bit might as well get comfortable." was what he said before pulling a blushing haku onto his lap as he sat on the couch. The rest of his team snickered before joining them with zabuza perched on the armrest. "Tou-san can you start i want to relax" kaito said looking at zabuza. This furthered the shock of the jounin. The demon of mist had a kid! Was the thought that ran through their heads. "Kiri has a very challenging graduation test. To graduate one must slaughter the rest of his/her class to pass as well as keep on living. Fortunately kaito was the only one to have to do this, i inducted haku and shizue in the field and i made the suna-nin honorary kiri-nin because of the close familial bond they have with kaito. That i will get to in a second. But first i will tell you of kaitos graduation exam. Do you see the zanbato on his back?" at this the jounin nodded. "That is what he used when he was nine to kill his graduation class." at this all the jounin gained horrified looks. "As for how he became so close with the suna-nin i will leave that to kaito and his boyfriend over there." all the jounin looked over to see the two boys kissing each other, the suna and kiri-nin seemed used to it but the jounin did not so shizue whacked both of them on their heads to stop them. "Oi! You bakas you need to tell how you became gaara nii-sans family." haku blushed and kaito chuckled lowly as he pulled his mask up. As he did so kushina spotted a few lines on kaitos cheeks. The only ones similar to those on her naruto that she had to leave years ago. Kushina just assumed she was seeing things and shook it off. "Well it all started when i was six. I have had a seal on my stomach ever since i could remember." at this he lifted up his shirt so the jounin could view the seal. Along with far to many scars for a thirteen year old to have. Kurenai butted in before he could continue and asked "umm, why do you have those scars? You are only thirteen." "good observation, as for the answer... i do a lot of missions for the mizukage and some of them are dangerous. Anyways back to the story." kushina couldn't help but be reminded of the seal that was on her naruto's stomach. "I always knew i was adopted by tou-san. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and he has black hair and brown eyes, genetically it is not possible for me to be his biological child. I went to him and asked about it. He told me of how he found me in the woods and couldn't bare to leave me alone. I replied you will always be my father genes don't change that. I also became very angry towards who left me in that forest and i still am, but i know if they hadn't i wouldn't have met tou-san. After tou-san explaining that he thought it was a seal on my stomach i did some research. It is a seal for a bijuu. I am a jinchuuriki. I was able to go into my mindscape and talk with my beast. His name is kurama more commonly known as the kyuubi. He is very friendly and started to train me in some of his powers, i have heightened senses, i can also sense other jinchuuriki." at this the jounin gasp and looked towards kushina who had a blank look on her face "Skip about a year and i had to go on a mission to sunagakure. While i was there i met gaara i could smell the bijuu shukaku all over him. I decided to ask him about it. When i approached him without disgust or pity he immediately took a liking to me and showed me his seal. In the year that passed since i found out i was a jinchuuriki i studied fuinjutsu a lot. As soon as i saw his seal i knew that it was very weak. I could tell that shukaku was keeping gaara awake at night because of the pain the seal caused him. I took him to the most secluded place i could and re-sealed shukaku so it hurt neither of them. As i had already gained his trust by talking to him like a human, me helping him and shukaku, as well as shukaku smelling kurama all over me, gaara started calling me nii-san and so brothers we became. As i spent more time with gaara kankuro and temari became siblings to me as well." all the jounin looked tense at two jinchuurikis sat in the same room as them, very powerful ones at that. After the room silenced a sob was heard. everyone turned to kushina, where the noise was emanating.

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