June 4th

659 36 2

^^ Jean and Rachel ^^

After a morning of our own little routine, I go with Pat to the computers so that I can print my 'Resume' off and spend this morning handing it out to anyone who will have it. Remy is coming with me so both of us can hopefully gain some employment and get a steady income. 

I watch what Pat is doing on the computer, knowing that he won't always be there to do this kind of thing for me. Printing off a heap of resumes, I put them in a folder to keep them safe and wait for Remy at reception.

"So... How are you liking it here so far?" Jean asks while we wait.

"It's amazing, it's too bad there aren't more of these shelters out there." I say with a beaming smile, thinking of how great it's been to sleep in a warm bed or just to eat when hunger starts to rear its head.

"And how are you finding you room mates? I hope they're not causing you too much trouble." Rachel pipes in.

"Nah, they're great. Couldn't have asked for any better." Not too sure how much of their personal behaviour should be talked about.

"We're so bloody happy for you Aria! I can't believe after how long you've been coming here, that you actually have a spot finally!" Rachel practically cheers.

"Oh my goodness, yes! It killed us if you came before a room freed up or after one was just taken! We wanted to hold one for you so badly, but we'd have been fired on the spot." Jean tells me with a sad look that really doesn't need to be there.

"Don't worry, honestly I'm just happy to have a roof over my head. June can be so cold, and I don't feel like being in the hospital with pneumonia. You both always made my life easier with your gift bags too, you need to know I only ate some days because of the tins you gave me." I confess truthfully, bowing my head to avoid their gaze.

After a moment of silence though, I look up to see them looking at me with glossy eyes.

"U-umm..." I stutter out, feeling suddenly uncomfortable with their stares.

Before I can comprehend what's happening, both ladies have their arms wrapped around me in a tight hug. Tensing for a moment, I try to relax into the affection as much as possible. I like physical contact to be on my own terms, but I knew these ladies mean me no harm.

"Can I join in on the group hug?" The familiar voice jokes, breaking the trance the girls were in and pulling away.

Looking over at Remy, he simply smirks before adjusting the strap on his messenger bag. I can't help but sigh at his oddness, he seems so quiet but other times he seems like a real joker.

"Okay, we're going job hunting today. See you ladies later." I say with a wave as we make our way out the shelters doors.

This is the first time I have left the shelter since I arrived, and I can't help the nerves that are rearing their ugly head at it all.

Will I lose my bed because I walked out?

Will the guys from the other night try to corner me?

Do I really have a chance at even getting a job? They'll see that my address is the homeless shelter. But Eddy has a job, so surely I can get one. I need to get one, I want my independence and stability!

"Are you coming?" Remy breaks my mental rampage. "Hey, I'm here with you okay." He smiles knowingly at me, then offers his hand to me. I found it odd until I realised I haven't even walked away from the door of the shelter.

"I'm fine." I tell him before grabbing his hand to drag him down the street.

I drop his hand after a moment, feeling a little awkward that I was in the first place.

"So, where have you looked for work so far?" I ask trying to relive this odd silence.

"Pretty much the entire shopping complex to the right of the shelter. So anything in this direction is untouched, by me at least." He explains.

"Okay, let's just go door to door and see if any need workers or even can put our resume on file." I offer a plan for the day, to which he nods and we begin our search.

*** Three hours later ***

"This is bloody hopeless!" Remy practically shouts while shaking his hands in the air.

"It's not, why don't we have a break for lunch and we'll keep going after?" I offer hoping he isn't giving up yet.

"Fine..." He mutter with a huff.

Going to a cafe, we place our order at the register before sitting at a table in the back.

"So have you actually worked before today?" Remy suddenly asks, kind of shocking me a bit with his question.

"Yeah, I have actually. I used to do odd jobs here and there to get money for food." I bristle at his question.

"No, no no! I didn't mean it like that. I mean before being on the streets, did you have the 9 to 5?" He tries to explain.

"Sort of, I worked at a clothes store during some of high school. But I got fired a couple of months before I finished year 12." I tell him truthfully. "What about you?"

"I worked a few months in a vet clinic clinic before life went belly up. I'm actually qualified to be a vet nurse." He smiles shyly at me before he averts his eyes.

"Awww, that's great. I love animals but I'm too squeamish to handle it if they're hurt." I smile at him, picturing this closed off guy taking care of peoples pets.

"Yeah, I want to try a few of the vets in the area actually. It'd be nice to get a job but even better if it was doing something I actually enjoy." He says, looking around the area we're in.

"Well come on then!" I playfully slap his shoulder.

Dragging us from vet to vet that I remember seeing while walking these streets, we sadly get turned down from all of them. I see why Remy had a pretty disheartened look on his face, it really kicks you while your down.

"Ohh, look there's another one! Come on." I jump up and down before dragging him in the direction of the nice looking building.

"Aria, can we just stop. Honestly, I don't think I can keep getting turned down today." He groans behind me.

"Oh shush. Maybe they need people, it looks new!" I smile at him before walking us into the front.

Once in there, I can't help but notice there is no one up front at the desk. I take a moment to look around the shiny new looking vet reception, it is white walls with the bottom half a light blue and nicely lit. Seeing a bell on the reception desk sitting next to a note that reads 'Ring bell if desk is unattended', I press the door bell looking button.

Moments later a man that looks in his 40s walks up front with a friendly smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm Chris, how can I help you today?" He smiles at us from behind the counter.

"Hi. I'm Aria and this is my friend Remy. We were hoping you might have a job opening of any kind here." I smile at who I'm guessing is the owner.

"Oh. Well do you have any experience or qualifications?" He asks, looking borderline hopeful.

"I have a certificate III in animal studies and a few months experience." Remy awkwardly smiles at the guy before he turns to me.

"U-ummm, no... No I don't but I'm happy to do any job you might need. I'll answers calls or clean, whatever you need." I stumble over my words, feeling embarrassed at my lack of skills.

He seems to go into thought for a while, and I can't help the nerves that grow.

"Do you both have resumes?" He asks a moment later.

Handing him the pieces of paper, he excuses himself for a moment and returns to the back of the clinic. I can't help but deflate my posture at the likely end to the search, though i'll be pretty happy if Remy gets a job here. He looks really at ease here, even when he told me about it at lunch you could see a light in his eyes that isn't normally there.

"Okay, I'd like to offer you a job Remy. I only just opened this clinic and had to fire the vet nurse due to unreliability just yesterday. I understand it's been a while since you did the job but I'll help you readjust. Now, I see your addresses are the same. Are you two a couple or room mates?" He asks at the end.

"Oh no, errr." Remy stumbles a bit, clearly not sure if he should admit our living situation. "We actually live at the shelter around the corner." He says a lot quieter than usual.

"Oh, I know that place. Well, since you aren't far away from here would you be able to start tomorrow?" He asks Remy with a genuine smile that gives me hope.

"U-uhh, yeah. I mean, yes. I'd love to!" Remy beams at the guy and shakes his hand a bit roughly.

"Fantastic, Be here at 9:00 am." He smiles back over at Remy. "Now, I'd like to hire you Aria. I really would but would you to be willing to get qualified at the same time?  Perhaps if you get a business certificate online then you would be taught all the essentials for the position, and I'd feel a lot safer hiring you." He asks with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Really?!" I practically yell at the poor guy.

"I know it's a weird request but i'd feel better knowing you were obtaining a qualification that will aid you in the job." He tells me looking panicked.

"So, if I do a course online at the same time... I have a job?!" I smile up at him, struggling to contain my joy.

"Yes. I'd love to have you both on board. You seem friendly and willing to do what's needed for the job." He explains. "So will you both accept the jobs and come tomorrow at 9:00 am?" He asks after a moment.

"Yes! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" I say shaking his hand so much, I'm surprised I didn't dislocate his shoulder.

"I'm sure she's said it enough for us both, but thank you very much." Remy beams at Chris.

"You're both welcome. Now go enjoy your last day off." Chris says, shaking our hands again just as a customer walks in with a cat carrier.

Walking out of the clinic, we begin our walk back to the shelter in a comfortable silence. We get about two stores down before I can't contain my excitement and jump into his arms, hugging him tightly as I can. He stays still for a moment before hugging me back.

"We got a job." I whisper into his chest, still holding him tightly.

"Yeah, we got a job." He says back just as quietly, squeezing me in his arms ever so slightly.

Pulling apart slowly, we smile at each other with genuine happiness in both our eyes. I don't think I've seen him look so relaxed yet, and that includes when we have movie nights. We continue out walk back to the building we call home, both excited to tell the news to our room mates and friend.

A weight lifted off my shoulders.

I'm finally taking a step in the right direction. 

Another chapter up. 
Not totally happy with the dialogue though. 
This may get edited down the track.

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