June 26th

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As I walk into the apartment, the phone starts to ring only minutes later. Stunned for a moment, until I realise no one else is here I walk over to the ringing. Answering it, I slowly raise it to my ear with a unsure "Hello?"

"Hey Aria! It's Jean. How are you sweety?" The familiar voice of my friend flows through the receiver. 

"Hi Jean, I'm okay but didn't I just see you?" I chuckle, slightly confused about the apparently random phone call.

"Yes, but I have someone here for you. Would you mind if Marcus comes up to your place?" She clarifies. 

"Oh... That makes more sense. But Pat is probably at the computers." I explain, hoping to clear things up a bit.

"No, he knows. He has already seen Pat today. He wants to talk to you, Aria." She giggles into the phone.

It was never surprising that a lot of the woman here found Marcus to be quite attractive, he just wasn't my type.

"Okay then. Send him up, I guess." I say before we bid goodbye.

Deciding to go change out of my work clothes, I walk into my room to put some leggings and a loose fitting Batman jumper on. A knock at the door reminds me of the impending guest I have, making me rush out to answer it. 

As I open the door, I see Marcus there in all his suited up smiling down at me. Moving aside as I gesture for him to come in, offering him a drink in the process.

"No, thank you. I am here on official business, I guess you could say." He explains, sitting on the couch before gesturing for me to join him.

Unsure of what he's talking about, I slowly make my way over to him while still keeping distance between us. 

"I am hosting a fundraiser on Saturday. I've been doing it for a few years now, since opening the shelter up. The funds go straight to helping the homeless or those in the shelter. It really is becoming quite a large event now that people know of it." He finishes explaining. 

I can't help but admire this man and all he does, he tries to raise awareness where he can while also helping those in need.

"That sounds great, but what does that have to do with me?" I ask, confusion evident on my face.

"Well, each year we invite all residents of the shelter to the fundraiser. Asking one of them to give a speech on their time at the shelter, welcoming them to say what needs improving or what people could do to do their part." He explains, resting his elbows on his knees as he explains.

"That makes sense, I guess. They would know better than most." I mutter, not really following the point of this conversation.

"This year I want you do to this, what do you say Aria?" He smiles at me. 


He wants me to talk in front of a heap of people about being here and whatnot? But surely there are people better fitting for this role. Like Pat maybe?

"W-Why not Pat?"

"Well, Pat is under age still. Plus he has already stated he doesn't wish to speak in front of people, as he still finds attention hard to deal with." He explains before taking a deep breath. "I've thought this through, and I want you. I can see the change you have made here in such a short time, Pat opens up more, Eddy is more easy going, and Remy actually looks like he likes life again."

"Well, if you're sure... Okay." I give him a nervous smile.

"I'd also like to ask you if you'd be interested in being a spokesperson for the shelter? It wouldn't require too much of your time, but would mean that you might speak at some functions about the shelter on behalf of those that were here." He offers after apparently getting one of the answers he came here for. 

"I don't think that's a good idea. I already work 5 days a week, then I do my TAFE work, plus I just started dating someone. Won't it be a bit much to add this on top of all that?" I ask, not really knowing how much time this would require of me.

"Well, there are only a few functions you would be required to attend each year. It really wouldn't take up much of your time, and if you ever feel that you can't continue then just say so and we'll stop your role. No contracts. Plus you'll be paid for your time." He explains, hope glistening in his eyes.

"Oh, Okay then. I'd love to then. I've always wanted to be able to give back in some way, so this certainly will be a nice way to start." I smile, a feeling of satisfaction flowing through me.

Marcus stands up after going over some details about both the fundraiser, and the shelters spokesperson. It all seemed a little over whelming but I think with Remy by my side, I could do this and do it well. 

Shaking hands with Marcus, he welcomes me just as the door opens.

"Thank you for accepting my offer, I will see you and everyone else Saturday." He smiles, bidding everyone goodbye as they enter.

Pat and Remy give me a confused look about what he was doing here. Deciding to just explain it all, still feeling rather excited about the whole opportunity as I tell them. Determination to do this to the best of my ability raging through me.

I can't believe how much my life has turned around this month.

I've never been so happy as I am right now, actually working for my own money and having a new family. Plus having Remy as my boyfriend just makes everything feel that much more amazing.

What more could I ever want?

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