June 16th

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Today I woke up feeling on top of the world, even after a night of waking Pat up a few times from his nightmares. His nights seem to be getting better and better though, you can see it each day.

The two of us are have a day together. I'm apparently completing modules for my course quicker then expected, so I can afford a day off my TAFE work.

Walking side by side talking about the first Incredibles movie while laughing about our favorite parts, we head over to a restaurant in the shopping centre.

Deciding to have lunch at Groove Train, I order the Butter chicken while Pat orders the Steak burger. Savoring the taste, we barely talk as we eat the delicious food.

"So, I forgot to ask you. How was the talk with Rem?" He asks, polishing another chip off his plate.

"Surprisingly well. We agreed to not see orher people and exploring where this goes. Spent some time getting to know each other, that got kind of personal but he didn't high tail it out of there." I smile as I finish the last of my chicken.

"How great. I'll have to catch Eddy up later on." He giggle at me. Cheeky bugger.

"Yeah. Yeah. Let's go pay and see this movie. Are you excited to see The Incredibles 2?" I ask, bouncing as I walk towards the register.

I can't wait to see this movie! I loved the first one, this one is long over due!

"Yes! I'd seen the trailer a few times on tv, now I want to watch it on repeat until It's been memorized." He bounces like a child in excitement.

As we walk into the cinema, we see it already fairly packed. Mainly with adults which is not all that surprising. Pat and I find our seats, watching the short movie beforehand.

Cute baby Bao.

The movie finally starts up, and we instantly go into a trance watching a movie we both craved seeing.

"Oh my gosh! That was bloody brilliant!" Pat gushes as we leave the cinema to head home.

"I know right! Jack jack was the best!" I join in.

We walk back to the shelter, talking about everything we loved in the movie. (Don't worry, not spoilers here. But go see it!)

Stopping by the supermarket for snacks, we go back to our place. Hell bent on spending the night binging more of The Walking Dead with the boys. Eddy gets a Saturday off once a month, so we figured why not stay up all night watching more zombies.

As soon as we enter, we walk in to see Eddy and Rem having a deep conversation. Once we're in the room though, they stop talking but don't seem to annoyed with each other. It's good to know it wasn't anything between the two friends.

As I finish putting the drinks in the minibar, Remy comes up behind me and pulls me into a warm hug. I just enjoy the warmth and comfort that comes with his hold.

I hope it never goes away.

"So how was your day with Pat?" He asks, still holding me close to him.

"It was amazing. We went out to lunch then saw the new Incredibles movie! I think we both really needed it, and it was nice to be able to treat him to all of it myself." I beam, likely resembling a small child talking about their first day at kinder.

"That's great, he certainly looks like he's on cloud nine. It's amazing to see him so carefree." He looks in Pats direction, who is telling Eddy every detail about the movie that he can that isn't plot related.

"Yeah. It was nice to spend the time with him."

"Do you think I can have you tomorrow? I'd like to take you on an official date, if it's okay with you." He says the last part fidgeting a bit.

"Of course. Let me at least sleep til 9:30 and I'm all yours." I bargain.

"Done deal." He smiles before sneaking a quick kiss on my cheek.

Blushing, I grab his hand and drag him back to the lounge. I can hear his chuckle behind me, but I refuse to acknowledge it.

I can't believe a kiss made me blush. Good one Aria.

Sitting on the couch with Pat in the middle, Eddy on one side, and Remy on the other. Remy pats his lap to offer as a seat for me, which I reluctantly agree to.

We spent the night watching back to back episodes, gradually eating the junk food until we're all too tired to stay away for another episode. Bidding good night to each other, I trudge over to my bed. Throwing off my clothes on the way before I'm left in just panties and a singlet.

This soft pillow and warm blanket will never get old, no matter how weird it still is.

Sleep consuming my being quickly, leaving me to have dreams of Jack Jack and Edna.

We Found Love In A Homeless Place《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now