June 19th

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After yesterdays early start, I ended up going to sleep pretty early. Remy was worried this morning that something was wrong, but I explained that I was up with Pat and he seem to understand.

Today I feel rejuvenated though, so work has been a breeze for me to handle. I'm not really sick anymore thankfully too, just an occasional cough that won't go away. If I was still under my bridge, I'd likely have pneumonia or something with this weather. 

I feel kind of bad that I barely spoke to Remy yesterday, so I figured after dinner the four of us can maybe hang out together. Eddy has barely been around lately, since he's working as much as he humanly can. Pat has been putting in as much effort as he can with school, wanting to get high grades. While Remy and I have been working, we also spent a lot of time together. 

I hate to admit this, but the guy really is growing on me. He's so easy to talk to, makes me laugh all the time, and I feel safe and conformable with him. I don't ever remember the last time I felt that way around someone, well besides Pat of course.

When I spoke to Remy on our lunch break today, he told me that his brother and him were still a bit rocky at the moment. He thinks things will smooth over eventually, but it felt weird not being on good terms with the one person he's tried to protect. I've tried to reassure him that things will work out, but until Gabe comes back to tell him himself, Remy is staying reserved about everything.

So with Eddy working a lot, Pat studying so much his brain may go pop, and Remy working as much as needed, I text all of them to keep tonight free. I know Eddy has tonight off, so this seemed as good a time as any.

After telling Remy to remind the boys about about the night in we are having together, I place multiple orders of take out for dinner tonight. Going into the local supermarket, I get everyone's favourite foods as well as a few soft drinks. Really giving my muscles a test on my way home, I start to wish I got Remy to come with me. 

Kicking at the door to our place, Eddy opens it with confusion that quickly morphs into surprise. As he takes in the over flowing bags filled with food, he quickly grabs them all with ease. Scowling at him, I shut the door behind us before following him to the kitchenette. 

"So, what's the occasion?" He grins at my still frowning face.

"I thought it'd be nice to have a movie night together. We've all been pretty busy, so all of us being here at the same time seems like something to take advantage of."

"Yes, that is true. I've been working myself to the bone lately, it'll be nice to have time off my feet."

"I won't turn down an excuse to pause the schoolwork I'm flooded with. What did you have in mind?" Pat asks, coming out of our room at the mention of a break.

"Well, I was thinking we could have a Back to the Future marathon?" I ask, hoping they say yes. I haven't seen those movies in so long, and I really want to watch them.

"I love those movies!" Remy's voice startles us, closing the front door behind him.

"Then it's settled. We'll have a movie marathon while we stuff ourselves senseless." Eddy smiles at our excited faces.

"So, what's in the bags anyway?" Pat asks, the smell of food taking over his curiosity.

"I got Chinese food for Eddy and I, Nandos for Remy, and Pizza for Pat. Plus the other bags have snacks for afterwards." I tell them, pulling out the places and cutlery. 

When no one says anything, I look up to see them all staring at me in shock. 

"You went and got all of our favourite dinners?" Eddy asks first.

"Well, yeah. Why? Did I get something wrong? I was sure I remembered your orders right..." I trail off, all eyes still trained on me. 

Before I can try to work out what's wrong, they all surround me as they wrap their arms around me. Shocked into silence, I can't help but soak up the warmth that radiates off these gentle beings. The scent of their colognes mix together, creating  safety net for me to bask in.

"Thank you Aria, this is really thoughtful of you." Pat says after a moment, not even acknowledging the fact that he's in the midst of a group hug. Or so I thought, moments later he pulls away from us all.

"Yeah, you really didn't have to do all of this." Eddy says, stunned by the full bench of food.

"You really are the best, you know?" Remy chips in, smiling that megawatt smile at me.

I smile back at them, a blush lightly covering my cheeks at the attention they are sending my way. Carrying our dinner over to the lounge room, I start playing the first Back to the Future movie. This is my ultimate bliss right here, spending a night with people I care about, watching a good movie, and eating yummy food. 

After we finish eating, I start leaning against Remy as relaxation fills my being at full force. He happy wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. The sound of his heart near my ear is so soothing that if I wanted to, I could easily fall asleep right here. We don't move from our spot throughout the movie, only pulling apart to put the next one on and use the bathroom.

After Part II started playing, Remy and I resumed our comfortable position together. His hand started to soothingly stroke my arm and back over the course of the movies, Eddy and Pat shooting us cheeky smirks every now and then. 

I know they want more to happen between us, but I also don't want to force it just because they want it. Though with how happy I am with Remy, I don't think it'd be forced. He makes me feel happier then I've ever felt before, he makes me feel like he likes me for my true self and that i can that person without worrying about judgement. 

What more could I really want?


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