June 7th

511 38 0

Walking through the shelter doors with Remy, I can't help but notice today was easier on me than yesterday was. Making our way to the dining room, going over to join Pat and Eddy after we get our own food.

"How was work?" Pat chirps happily from his seat.

"Good kid. How's school going?" Remy say while stuffing his mouth with food.

I can't help but grimace at the revolting look as some still hangs out of his lips.

"Mate, swallow your food!" Eddy scolds the men child next to me.

"What?" He says mid chew.

"You should join me in the gym each night, at least you won't get any pudge." Eddy laughs at Remy.

Looking over at his shocked face, I can't help but burst into laughter too. 

"What are you laughing at? If I have to do gym shit, so do you!" He grins at me evilly.

"When did I agree to that?" I ask squeak, shocked.

"When I gave you my jelly slice today." He beams at me, knowing I promised anything for it. (I made jelly slice today!)

"Fine." I grumble, before we continue eating our dinner at catching up on our day.

Once we're back into our place, I go to my room to see if I have anything I can wear for gym gear. I remember Jean saying that they put a few things in my drawers that I might need. Searching draw to draw, I see a bathing suit, large jumpers and some gym stuff.

Going to the bathroom, I change into the leggings and sports bra before walking back into my room. Stopping short when I see Pat on his bed, I wonder if I should have put a top on too. Before I can decide what to do, his eyes look up at me and a happy smile graces his face.

"You look good." 

"Thanks. Are you coming?" I ask the small teen.

"Not invited." He mumbles, smile dropping from his face.

That doesn't sound right.

Walking out to the lounge, I see Eddy and Remy comparing themselves.

"Hey. Is Pat allowed to come too?" I ask curiously. It's not like them to shun him out of things

"Yeah, if he wants. I've asked before but he said no. If he changed his mind, he's more than welcome." Eddy says, confusion clear on his face.

Walking back into the bedroom, I walk to Pat's bed and sit with him. He looks up with a sad look on his face, already accepting being left alone.

"So, do you want to come down with us?" I ask him. 

The smile that takes over his face is all the answer I needed.

"Go change into something more comfortable." I tell him, noting the jeans he was currently in.

Once Pat was happy with his clothes and I put a shirt over my sports bra, we walked out to meet up with the others. Eddy leading our little group, since apparently no one has been there before. I can't help but feel excited at the idea of working out, making myself fitter and stronger. 

These type of luxuries never even crossed my mine a week ago, and yet here I am at the doors of a gym in the shelter I now call home.

I wonder if I will ever accept that I can get comfortable where I am.

"Pat, I want you to come here buddy," Eddy calls the baby of our group over. 

I watch at Eddy talks to him about different things he would be best to start off with,  the happy gleam in his eye shining brightly. I walk around the gym, noting what I need to ask about until I reach a boxing ring. 

"Want to have a sparring sesh?" Remy whispers in my ear, standing so close I feel the heat of his body close to mine.

"Think you can handle me?" I say back, keeping the volume low.

"We'll have to see, won't we?" He says, walking around me. 

Walking with Remy towards the equipment, he slides both gloves over my hands before strapping each one down. I slide through the ropes of the small ring while Remy does his own, taking note of the others still talking to each other.

Moments later, I see movement out of the corner of my eye. Instinct kicks in quickly and I move out of the incoming hit as quickly as I can. Turning around I see Remy grinning cheekily at me before putting his hands up again.

"Got to always pay attention to your surrounding." He says as he circles the ring.

"You missed didn't you?" I smile back, getting into a better position. 

Soon he lunges at me again, causing me to quickly step back before throwing my gloved fist at his face. His reflexes as fast as my own as he dodges my own hit, and swinging at me again. We keep dancing around each other, rarely landing a blow until we start to tire out. Both of our stamina is very low, but it's great fun and there's smiles on our faces the entire time. 

"Okay okay, time out you two. Why don't you go on the rowing machine and compete on that together?" Eddy pipes in, breaking our sparring match up.

"Distance or time?" I ask Remy once we're seated at the machine. 

"Person who rows the furthest in ten minutes wins?" He bargains.

"Alright, ready... set... go!" I shout as we begin the fast rowing against each other. 

Watching those two childishly compete against each other with their exercises, I can't help the warm feeling that flows over me to see them both happy.

Aria has been almost like a beacon to our home. She doesn't know, but she brightens up our lives with her determination and caring personality. 

Even the others who live at this shelter can feel the energy that just pours off of her, a number of them making it a point to tell me or the others so at some point. They know she keeps to her self since she's barely been here a week but hope to meet the positive girl that smiles each time she walks back in here. 

"Yes! I win!" Aria shouts, jumping off the rowing machine dancing on the spot. 

Remy just stares at her with a big smile on his face, something we used to rarely see until recently.

"Fine, you win this one. How about cycling?" He tries to get the surprisingly fit girl to take the bait.

"Okay!" She beams before they go over towards the stationary bikes. 

They play it the same way as the rowing machine, seeing who goes further in ten minutes before I hear "Ready, set...GO!" from Remy.

They have big smiles upon their faces the entire time. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy keeping my body fit and healthy but these two make the clearly tiring exercise look fun.

"They're cute together, huh?" Pat says from next to me on the treadmill I got him starting with. 

"What do you mean?" I ask, not taking my eyes off them. 

"How can you not see the attraction between the two?" He chuckles while starting to pant slightly.

This is why I got him to start with this, the young teen has never done any exercise before.

"I see attraction, but them actually getting together? I don't know." I tell him, as I stare at Aria's panting form. She did pretty good for someone whose only fitness was walking the streets daily.

"They might just need to get nudged in the right direction. Remy is too closed off and she is too stuck in the 'no distractions' mind set." The sneeky boy concludes.

"Well I guess it can't hurt to put them in a few situations where they're spending time together." I agree, look at Pat with a smile we both share.

"HA! I bet you this time!" Remy shouts, jumping off the bike with sweat dripping off him.

The moment he's back on the floor without anything to hold, his legs give out and he falls to the floor. Aria bursts into laughter at the surprised man, getting up to walk over to him before her tired legs give out too.

They both burst into laughter again as they remain on the floor. 

"Draw?" Aria asks him, laying next to him still.

"Draw." He agrees, shaking hands in agreement.

"Okay you two, get up and walk it off. Aria, you still have TAFE work to start." I remind after a few more minutes of them joking about each others effort. 

"Oh shit, right." She slowly gets up, helping Remy up before they walk around the room. 

As they both leave, Pat scowls at me. 

"What?" I ask, surprised by his sour expression.

"You should of left them on the floor together." He huffs.

"Nah. Like you said, she won't like distractions." I tell him, already knowing ways to get them together. 

"So...!?" He whines.

"So, we make them spend time together without TAFE or work being impacted. That way she can't fight it."

"Ohhh! Well, I think you should make them spend time at your work tomorrow. That way it'll be only them together too!" He decides.

Nodding in agreement to his idea, I decide it's time to see if we can work a little magic with our friends.

"Sounds like a plan." I grin at an equally happy Pat.


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